Germany Invades Poland
Using the new military tactic known as the Blitzkrieg, Germany invades Poland with concentrated firepower. This invasion marks the beginning of WWII. After Germnay's attack, Great Britain was quick to delcare war on Germany. Withing weeks, Poland's army was defeated. picture: http://historyconflicts.com/german-invasion-poland-from-1939/ -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
Known as, "A Day Which Will Live In Infamy," December 7, 1941 marks the entrance of the United States into WWII. This was the day when the Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, a United States naval base located in Hawaii. The attack caused the deaths of 2,455 people and the destruction of 350 U.S. planes and 18 U.S. ships. Only 55 Japanese soliders lost their lives.
picture: https://pearlharbormemorials.com/ -
D-Day Invasion
The day U.S. and British forces combined to invade the shores of Omaha and Normandy, France. Led by General George Patton, 4,000 landing craft, 156,000 troops, and 11,000 planes defeat German offenses.
picture: https://www.dday.org/history/d-day-the-invasion/overview.html -
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Battle of Okinawa
Considerably the biggest battle fought in the pacific, the Battle of Okinawa lasted a month and 21 days. The battle was between American and Japanese troops. Japanese troops defended until the end and lost 77,000 soldiers. Kamikazes, Japanese suicide bombers, were heavily prevalent in this battle. The battle claimed total of 250,000 soldiers.
picture: http://battleofokinawatuhs.weebly.com/ -
V-E Day
V-E (Victory in Europe) Day marks the end of WWII in Europe. German forces surrender leading to the Allies success. Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, commits suicide in relization of future consequnces for his actions.
picture: http://www.capital-moments.com/ve-day-a-day-to-remember-for-past-and-present/ -
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Atomic Bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
The days that the United States dropped two atomic bombs over two Japanese cities, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hirsohima by an American B-29 bomber, something that had never been done before. 90 percent of the city was wiped out, killing 80,000 people immediately. However, many more would later die due to radiation exposure. Nagasaki was attacked on Augest 9, 1945 by another B-29 bomber with the second bomb. 40,000 people lost their lives.