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WWII Timeline

By BigV
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty that crippled Germany which made Hitler rise to power. To seek his revenge and show the world Germans are the supieor race
  • Period: to


  • Extreme nationalism

    Extreme nationalism
    Hitler convinces all of Germany that Germany is the best country in the world
  • The Rise of Adolf Hitler and the NAZI Party

    The Rise of Adolf Hitler and the NAZI Party
    The rise of Adolf Hitler and the NAZI'S. also the start of the rise of power
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Cripples everyone especially the germans. Only way to get out of it in Hitlers eyes is war
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japan withdrew from league of nations and continued with their invasion
  • Invasion of Abyssinia

    Invasion of Abyssinia
    Then Invasion of Abyssinia started the power of italy. The league of nations immediately stopped trade with italy.
  • Invasion of Rhineland

    Invasion of Rhineland
    Hitler ordered his troops into Rhineland. On the western Boarder where that had been demilitarized
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Italy supported Facist Franco and supplied wepons and men
  • Hitler Restores Army

    Hitler Restores Army
    Hitler starts mass producing an army agian even as the the treaty of versailles said he couldt have more then 5000 men
  • The Annexation Of Austria

    The Annexation Of Austria
    The start of Hitlers conquering spree of Europe
  • Policy Of Appeasement

    Policy Of Appeasement
    A tearty signed so that Hitler could have Sudetland but could not invade the rest of Czechoslovakia
  • Invasion of Sudentland

    Invasion of Sudentland
    Hitler took over Sudetenland. Then promised not to Invade the rest of Czechoslovaka
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    Non-Aggression Pact
    A Treaty singend by Hitler and Joesph Stalin. Stating that they will not attack each other knowing that they would betreay each other in the long run.
  • Invasion Of Poland

    Invasion Of Poland
    The start of world war 2. When Hitler invades Poland
  • Failure of league of nations

    Failure of league of nations
    The resault of the Failure of the league of nations when the second world war started