WWII-Europe, Pacific, and Homefront

  • Selective Sevice System

    All Men between the ages of 18 and 25 must enlist in the selctive service system.
  • Japanese invasion of China

    When this clash was followed by indications of intensified military activity on the part of Japan, Secretary of State Hull urged upon the Japanese Government a policy of self-restraint.
  • Invasion of poland

    Germany invaded poland with plans to take over the rest of Europe. This marked the begining of WWII. Germany advanced from all sides of poland.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    It is a dense concentration of motorized and armoured vehiclesfollowing the infantry.
  • Russia invades Poland

    Russia Invaded Poland to stop Germany from overtaking all of Europe. Germany invaded poland only a few days after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. This terminated the hostilities between Russian and Japanese armies.
  • Manufacturers

    It was a critical component to military performance during World War II. Over the course of the war, the Allied countries outproduced the Axis countries in most categories of weapons.
  • Operation Barborossa

    Code name for theGerman Invasion on the soviet union. It was the largest military operation with both vehicles and deaths history. They used over 600,000 vehicles in this invasion.
  • Office os scientific Research and Devolopment

    It was an agency of the United States federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during World War II. It was given almost endless funding for research.
  • Office of price Adminitration

    The functions of the OPA were originally to control money (price controls) and rents after the outbreak of World War II.
  • Parl Harbor

    The Japanese attacked America At our homefront without any warning. This attack made every american angry and we had no choice but to enter the war.
  • Entertainment Industry

    The Industryunderwent changes to help aid the cause of the war. The entertainment industry during this time was often controlled by a country's government. Since the governments believed that a supportive home front was crucial to their countries' victory
  • Japanese internment camps

    War relocation camp in the US against all Japanese looking people or decent.
  • Navajo Code Talkers

    Navajo tribes men in the war to talk codes for the United States. A secret communication to call in airstikes and supplies.
  • War Production Board

    This replaced the Supply Priorities and Allocation Board and the Office of Production Management. This also establishe dPriorities during the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    Japanese marched 60 to 80,000 american and Filipino Prisoners of war marched 80 miles. Several hundred soldiers died before they reached their destination.
  • Doolittle Raid

    Alo known a the Tokyo Raid was an air raid on Japans capital Tokyo. It was to show that japan itself was vulnerable.
  • WAAC

    An orginization that allowed women to get involved in the war. they were already involved in american factories but now on the warfront as well.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany attacked the city of stalingrad. It was one of the bloodiest battles on history.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    The Us landed in the Island to stop japans trade routes. Also to threaten supplies and comminication.
  • D-Day

    The day allied forces landed on the beach of normandy and met an almostunbeatable german fore already posted upon the coastline.
  • Operation thunderclap

    An operation that was to be implemented but never was. It was to be a massive attack on Berlin to take down Nazi Germany.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    It was a mojor battle and stategic military base needed for the american to enter the war. We needed to be set asd close to Japan as possible to fight them on their homefront.
  • Hitlers Final Days

    Hitler die by ingesting a cyanide pill. This was an act of suicide not to get captured and put on trial.
  • V-E Day

    It is now a public holiday that marked the end of WWII. This Happened after it was found that The leader of Nazi Germany commited Suicide after the battle of Berlin.
  • Trinity Test

    Trinity was the first code name for testing nuclear weapons. They Tested these in a desert in he middle of New Mexico.
  • Patsdam Conference

    It was a meeting between The USA the UK ans the USSR. They all met about how to take down Nazi Germany.
  • U.S.S. Indianapolis

    The world's first operational atomic bomb was delivered by the Indianapolis, to the island of Tinian on 26 July 1945.
  • Hiroshima

    The first and oly atomic bomb was droped in these three days of August. Fist was the atomic bomb. This bomb killed about 90 to 160,000 people with one bomb.
  • Nagasaki

    THis was the second and last atomic bomb droped in history. The two bombs killed aprox. 60 and 80,000 people.
  • V-J Day

    This was the dated called with the victory over Japan. They surrended and Hitlers forces were being beaten down into submission in the east.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    It was a German Offensive throuth ethe thick forrests of Wallonia Belgium.This Cought all allied forces off gaud and were fighting from their heels the rest of the battle.