• Japanese Invades China

    In July 1937, Japanese had claimed that they were fired apon by the Chinese. They say that the Chinese troops fired at the Marco Polo bridge near Beijing. Using this excuse, The Japanese launched an invation on China. Within 5 months, 1 million Chinese people were under Japanese control.
  • German Invades Poland

    September 1st, 1939 Germany army's crossed into Poland. Offically starting World War Two. Germany forced the British Prime Ministor, Chamberlain to formally declare the United Kingdom at war with Germany. Hitler knew that his overall take over of Europe relied on neutralizing Poland, so that is why he advanced.
  • German Tactic "Blitzkrieg"

    Germany was now takig over most of Europe and was victorious for almost two years because of this tactic "Blitzkrieg". This stradgy required tanks and planes along a narrow front. The German air force kept the enemy from reloading or redeploying. Hitler saw this method of attack working, so he kept using it to later take over all of Europe
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Germand any had moblie units of police, called the Einsatzgruppen. The Einsatzgruppen followed the frontlines into the Soviet Union. Einsatzgruppen was told to go in and kill jews. Wheneve the Soviets protested, they were shot an killed by the Einsatzgruppen.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan, who is allied with Germany, launched a surprise attack of Pearl Harbor Hawaii. In responce, the United States declared war on Japan and Germany. The fleet at Pearl Harbor was saverly damaged.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee Conference was held by Reinhard Heydrich, cheif of RSHA, outside Berlin. He planned a Europe wide plan to take out the jews, known as "The Final Solution of The Jewish Question". The "Final Solution" was code for the phsical annihilation of European Jews.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    On this day in 1943, British bombers invaded Hamburg Germany. The Britsh were determined to get revenge for the countless attacks from Germany. These bombings continued until November that year. Operation Gomorrah was devastating to Germany. It ruined citys and killed the morale of Hamburg Germany. Hitler refused to even vist the burt down citys. He was so ashamed. This was a big defeat for Germany
  • D-Day

    On June 6th 1944, US, British and Canadian troops land on the beachs of Normandy, France, on the English Channel coat east of Cherbourg and west of Le Havre. The Germans were tricked into moving into Normandy, with the troops already there. By August allied troops destroyed most of The German army and by late August, Free French forces liberated Paris.
  • Battle Of The Bulge

    Germans really needed something to boost the spirits and to start winning in this war. Hitler wanted this to be a turning point in the war. Operation "Watch The Rhine" was supposed to split British and Us forces in northern France. The defences of the US forces, fighting in the freezing tempertures and snow, sopped the Germans from advancing.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap was a plan that was supposed to take place in August 1944. But instead the British flew in January 1945. The dropped bombs on Germany. Germany did not expect this and ended up losing this battle.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima/ Battle of Okinawa

    The US decided to take over an island off the coast of Japan, thinking there wouldn't be much of a fight. But the Japanese were prepared. They hid in tunnels and waited quietly for the US forces. Many US soilders were killed. We ended up taking over the island but that was after about 36 days of fighting. Another important island was Okinawa. This battle was a lot like Iwo Jima. Lots of air attacks but despite that, US conqured.
  • VE day

    VE, Victory over Europe day, was a celebrating day for Great Britian and the US. German Troops had surrendered.
  • Bombs

    USA dropped the first atomic bomb on Nagaski.
  • VJ day

    Japanese troop surrendured to the Allies. Thia marked the end of WW2. VJ stands for Victory Over Japan.