
WWII Book Thief Webquest Timeline

  • Birth of Hitler

    Birth of Hitler
    Adolf Hitler was born in the small Austrian border town of Branau-am-Inn on April 20th, 1889. He would live there for only a short period of time before the Hitler family moved to a place near the city of Linz.
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    Hitler Becomes a Vagabond

    From the age of 16, Hitler dropped out of school and moved to Vienna in the hopes of being accepted into its prestigious Art School. After his application was rejected, Hitler spent the next decade of his life as a vagabond living in the street selling his art to survive. It is likely that this was when he picked up his strong anti-Semitic views as they were popular in the city at the time.
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    Hitler Leads Germany

    After being elevated to the office of Chancellor by other powerful German politicians who thought they could control him, Hitler quickly took control of the political scene, and established a dictatorship in Germany that would last until the end of his life.
  • May 10th Book Burning

    May 10th Book Burning
    A book burning took place on May 10th, 1933. It was one of many that took place in Nazi Germany, and had the same goal as the rest: to burn books that contained "unGerman ideas".