

  • Rape of Nanking

    Japaneses army forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of people. This happened because the Japaneses leader was corrupt. 300,000 Chinese and Japanese soldiers were killed
  • Period: to

    Germany Blitzkrieg

    This was a Germany military tactic. It was used to persevere human lives. It was a successful attempt at disorganization in enemy forces.
  • Germany's invasion on Poland

    Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Hitler claimed it was a defensive effort, but GB and France believe it was just to expand territory. This was the official start of the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor was an attack on America from Japan. Japan did it to weaken American Navy. This was what officially brought America into the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    75,000 Filipino and captured american soldiers were forced to march to a concentration camp. It happened because America's Filipino island surrendered to the Japaneses.
  • D-day

    D-day was America's invasion on Normandy. America did it to retake France. 425,000 German troops were killed.
  • battle of Iwo Jima

    This was the only battle in the war in which the allied forces suffered more casualties than the axis forces.
  • VE day

    VE day is also known as Victory in Europe day. It's a holiday that celebrated Europe's victory. This happened because of Nazi Germanys unconditional surrender to the allies.
  • dropping atomic bombs

    The US dropped atomic bombs on the axis countries toward the end of the war. The reason was because Japan would not surrender. 70,000 were killed.
  • VJ Day

    VJ day is a holiday which celebrated the Victory on Japan. Japan surrendered because of the atomic bombs that were dropped. This day marked the "beginning of the end of the war". WWII came to an end
  • Battle of the Bugle

    This was the last main German offense on the western front. It created a bulge in allied front lines.