• German Blitzkrieg

    "Blitzkrieg" mean "Lightning War". It was a military tactic used in combat and was highly effective. It involves the use of tanks and planes as well as concentrated fire power. The Germans use it as a way to invade Poland. Complety Destroying the country's defenses.
  • The Fall of France

    the fall of franceFrance has fallen into the hands of the Nazis. All French defenses fell as the Nazi warmachine broke through the unprotected Ardennes Forest. The Magionet line had little effect on trying to stop the advancing Germans. The Nazis later took over Paris and setup a puppet government leaving what is left of French forces feeling defeated and discouraged.
  • Pearl Harbour

    the attack on the harbour
    Japanese forces attack Pearl Harbour in efforts to weaken the US chances on fighting in the war. Their planes flew over the harbour bombarding the ship yards and air fields. The have sunken most of the battleships and cruisers along with the planes but their main targets where the aircraft carriers but thery were not there.
  • the Wansee Conference

    the wansee conference
    this is where 15 high ranking Nazi officials met and disscused the idea of Hitler's "Final Solution" which was the extermination of Jews
  • The Battle of Midway

    MidwayThis was a four day battle at sea that involved both Japanese and American naval forces fighting. The US manage to sink four Japanese aircraft carriers but lost one of their own, Yorktown. This was a big loss to the Japanese weakening their military strength.
  • Stalingrad

    StalingradThe Soviets finally fought back against the Nazi forces at Stalingrad that was named after Stalin himself. The Russians fought hard and manage to get the upperhand on the Nazis cuasing the to retreat.
  • The invasion of Italy

    Allied forces manage to succesfully invade Italy with little or no resistance. Italian forces had family that live in the US and did not want to fight which had made the invasion go smoothly but it also angered Hitler to a point that he had to send more soldiers to fight in Italy
  • D-Day

    D-DAYAllied forces stomp on the beaches of Normandy making their way through the thick line of Nazi defenses and to take back France from the Nazis. 425,000 soldiers haved died during the invasion itself.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Iwo JimaUs Marines invade the Island of Iwo Jima after months of naval and air bombardment. The Japanese defenders dug tunnels and bunker deep inside of the island. The battle last for 36 days and both sides suffered many casulties. over 7000 marine were killed with 20,000 injured. Out of the 18,000 Japanses soldier only 216 were captured rest were killed.
  • The battle of Okinawa

    It was one of the biggest and last of the major island battles in the Pacific. involved the 287,000 troops of the U.S. Tenth Army against 130,000 soldiers of the Japanese Thirty-second Army. Taking the island was vital for the US mainly because it was extremly close to Japan. The battle lasted 82 days leaving the American forces victorious even though they suffered major loses which were about 65,000 casulties.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    this was when Germany was being overunned by allied troops and were force to leave concentration camps with the prisoners still inside. Once they have begun to free the prisoners they discovered the Nazis horrific crimes
  • VE Day

    VE DayVeE simply means "victory in Europe" this is when the war in Europe finally came to an end. What was left of German forces surrendered to the soviets accepting total defeat.
  • The dropping of the Atomic Bomb

    atomic bombWhen Japan refused to surrender the US had no choice but to drop the 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima as a way to force japan to surrender but they didnt so we dropped the 2nd on Nagasaki
  • VJ Day

    VJ DayThis is when Japan finally, after years of fighting, surrendered to the US after having the atomic bomb dropped on them. After sustaining severe damage to their homeland the Japanese finally lost their will to fight and surrendered. This led to the creation of VJ Day "Victory in Japan" day
  • Battle of the Bulge

    bulgeThis was Hitler's atempt to spilt he allied forces in Northwest Europe by quickily sending his troops through the Ardennes to Antwerp catching American forces by surprise. American troops faced extreme cold temperatures as well as food and fuel shortages. The town of Bastogne was complete surrounded by Geman soldiers. When all hope seemed lost the surrounded Lieutenant George S. Patton and his men came to rescue pushing the Nazis back