Propaganda was used many different ways to influence many different people during WWI. For example it was used to update people of the war. It was also used to help with their recruitment. Armed forces would used propaganda based newspaper writings to recruit men to their forces. As expected many propaganda cartoons were used to bash the enemy and up rise their own forces. Violet propaganda released to the people typically was to make the people choose sides. It influenced their view on the war. -
War Production
WWI war production consisted of an increase in the demand for supplies and necessities. America benefited from the WWI war production due to the amount of supplies they had. America caused the wars economy increase by providing food, clothing, guns and ammunition. Other War productions were the aircraft. During the war the aircraft was very popular. Airplane wings were produced and those who worked in the industries benefiting the war had their wages increased by about 6-7%. -
Financing the War
WWI was financed through the Central Powers and Allies. Britain had its finances through the allies and the central powers was financed through Germany. When all of the money was gone and it affected the economy money was borrowed from America. The central powers contributed 61 billion dollars and the Allies contributed 147 billion dollars. -
Support of the War
The war had a lot of major support from the United States Home front. America provided WWI with finances and necessities. Financially the war had its support from the central powers and the allies.