WWI Timeline Ashley Arcidiacono

  • Triple Alliance Formation

    Triple Alliance Formation
    The Triple Alliance was formed between Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy. This military alliance offered support to each nation if attacked by another nation. Otto von Bismark sought to isolate France, and attempted to do so by forming the Triple Alliance. This is categorized as one of the long term causes of WWI- the formation of alliances.
  • Germany forms an alliance with Russian

    Germany forms an alliance with Russian
    Germany saw that war was inevitable. In order to avoid fighting a two- front war Germany made an aliiance with Russia, to its east. Germany also looked for support in their hope to conquer France, while Russia looked for support in their hope of counquering Austria- Hungary and the Balkan Penninsula. This alliance also contributed to one of the long term causes of the war. (Pictured is Otto von Bismark, German chancellor who ordered for this aliiance)
  • Wilhelm II allows alliance with Russia to lapse

    Wilhelm II allows alliance with Russia to lapse
    Wilhelm II took an agressive approach in foreign affairs. He began making several new alliances. The previously formed alliance with Russia, made in 1887, was nearing its end. By allowing the Russian alliance to lapse, Wilhelm II alienated Russia. Russia, feeling threatened, then sought after more alliances- a long term cause of the war. (Pictured Wilhelm II)
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II changes foreign policy, forced Bismarck to resign

    Kaiser Wilhelm II changes foreign policy, forced Bismarck to resign
    Wilhem II demanded that Bismark resign because he hoped to prove to the world that Germany had become a force to reckoned with and he did not want anyone stopping his new plans. Wilhelm's extreme militaristic style was adopted. He allowed Germany's treaty with Russia to expire, which prompts Russia's alliance with France. Wilhelm's decision ultimately began drawing the final lines of alliances.
  • Russia formed defensive military alliance with France

    Russia formed defensive military alliance with France
    Feeling threatened by Germany, Russia creates a military alliance with France. By creating this alliance, Germany will be forced to fight a two-front war. Russia, to the west, and France, to the east, will make it difficult for Germany to fight on only one front.
  • Britain formed entente with France

    Britain formed entente with France
    Britain felt threatened by Germany as well. Britain joined with France in 1904 with the signing of the entente cordiale. British naval supremacy was under attack by the growing German navy, and this agreement helped strengthen Britain. Once again, this alliance aided in making the war world-wide.
  • Britain made another entente with France and Russia, forming the Triple Entente

    Britain made another entente with France and Russia, forming the Triple Entente
    After the entente cordiale had been established between Britain and France, the triple entente between France, Russia, and Britain was formed. The triple entente claimed that Britain was not forced to fight with France and Russia, but promised that Britain would not fight against them. Again, this alliance served as a long term cause for the war.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie visit Sarajevo and are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie visit Sarajevo and are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
    While visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia, the heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, and his pregnant wife, Sophie, were assasinated. While trying to escape, Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian nationalict group, shot both Franz and Sophie. This assasination served as the immediate impetus for WWI.
  • Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum

    Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum
    Austria presented Serbia with a list of severe ultimatums after the Archduke's assasination. The list was contrived of many severe points that Austria knew Serbia would refuse. To Austria's suprise, Serbia agreed with all of the ultimatums excepet for the investigation of the Archduke's assasination. This refusal was enough, Austria declared war on Serbia.
  • Austria declared war on Bosnia. Russia also ordered mobilization toward the Austrian border

    Austria declared war on Bosnia. Russia also ordered mobilization toward the Austrian border
    Austria then declared war on the Serbian cohorts found in Bosnia. Seeing this, Russia ordered for mobilization towards Austrian borders. Previously formed alliances were also forced to prepare for mobilization, thus leading to the world war. (Pictured Russian military advancing)
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
    When hearing about the declaration of war Russia began the advance on the Russian- Austrian and Russia- German border. The advance struck Germany as an offensive move on Russia's part so Germany declared war on Russia. In addition, Germany declared war on France.
  • Germany declared war on France

    Germany declared war on France
    Germany had recently declared war on the allied power of Russia. In order to stay ahead in this now "world-wide war," Germany attacked Russian allies found in the neighboring nation of France. The war started to become world-wide.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
    After Germany declared war on British allies, France and Russia, Britain decided that it was time that they step in for their allies. Britain declared war on Germany and Europe was totally engulfed by fighting.
  • Germany counterattacked the Russians at Tannenberg. Four day battle

    Germany counterattacked the Russians at Tannenberg. Four day battle
    Germany offered a counterattack at Tannenberg. The German victory in this battle led to the retreat of Russian forces. In the total four days of this battle, many casualties were accounted for. Germany began its success on the eastern front.
  • Allies attack Germany at the 1st Battle of the Marne

    Allies attack Germany at the 1st Battle of the Marne
    The First Battle of the Marne was a major clash on the Western front and was one of the main reasons why the allies began to win the war. TheAllies attacked the Germans near Paris. This defeated the Germans Schliefflen plan which planned to eliminate fighting a two front war. Germany was thrown into a two-front war, weaking their chances of victory.
  • Ottoman Empire formally joins Central Powers

    Ottoman Empire formally joins Central Powers
    The Central Powers had previously consisted of Germany and Austria- Hungary. The Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria decided to join the Central Powers on October 28, 1914. The hope of regaining lost land served as the impetus for the Ottoman Empire's membership in the Central Powers. Thus another alliance was made, making the war more "universal."
  • Italy joins the Entente

    Italy joins the Entente
    Italy was once assosiated with the Central Powers. After deciding that Austria- Hungary's declaration of war on Serbia was unwarrented, Italy joined the Allies. Italy's decision to join the Entente gave Germany another front to fight towards the south.
  • Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania

    Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania
    A German naval blockade had been formed around Britain. Unrestricted submarine warfare was used and German submarine sunk the British ship, the Lusitania.The Germans in total sunk three American ships. This unrestricted submarine warfare prompted America's involvement in the war. The U.S., not a nation of Europe, truly made the war a world war.
  • Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign

    Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign
    Both British and France forces worked together to gain the Dardanelles strait in order to gain a much needed sea route to Russia to provide aid. They attempted to gain the strait through the Ottoman capital of Constantinople.The attempt failed and the Turks won one of their most important victories over the Allies. The Allies began losing hope on the eastern front.
  • Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme

    Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme
    Lasting until November, the Germans attacked the French allies at Verdun. Britain then offensively attacked Germany in the valley of the Somme River in order to aid their french allies. Both nations had many casualties and the Allies only gained an additional 6 miles. This was one of the largest battles of WWI and also one of the bloodiest battles ever recorded with over 1 million casualties. This battled weakend both the Allies and the Central Powers.
  • Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare
    Germany declared their use of unrestricted submarine warfare. This meant that their submarines would and could attack enemies without any notice or detection.This decision served as the main reason for the U.S. involvement in the war.
  • The U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note

    The  U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note
    Intercepted by British intellegence, the Zimmerman Telegram was a proposal sent from the German forces to Mexico. The note included a proposal for a military alliance between Germany and Mexico, and that if Mexico complied with the terms of the alliance, Germany would help them regain territory lost in the Mexican-American war. Once the U.S. found knowledge of this they declared their support for the Allies.
  • Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany

    Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
    President Woodrow Wilson urged congress to declare war on Germany, and ultimately become part of the world war. This was prompted by the German unrestricted submarine warfare, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the interception of the contents of the Zimmerman Note.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI
    Vladimir Ilyrich Lenin ,of Russia,decided to cease Russia's involvement in the war. Russia had undergone too many losses and civil war had broken out in Russia as well. Germany and Russia signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk and ceased the fighting between them.
  • Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Lenin wanted to form a treaty with Germany to protect Russia from future invasion. In order to insure safety, Germany and Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and ceased fighting between them. Russia was forced to give up their land to Germany and they did so.
  • A German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice

    A German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice
    On the 11th month, on the 11th day, at the 11th hour, after Germany declared itself a republic, a representative from Germany met with French Commander Marshal Foch. An armistice was signed, and it was agreed upon to cease fighting.The war officialy ended and we honor November 11th today with the celebration of Veteran's Day.