Triple Alliance Formation
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy band together to form a loose alliance called the "Triple Alliance". -
France and Russia Form Military Alliance
These two countries band together to support one another militarily. -
Germany Declares War on France
Germany could not completely mobilize its troops against Russia because of the Schlieffen Plan, so they declared war on France. -
British Declare War on Germany
This declaration of war officially violated Belgian neutrality. -
Triple Entente Formation
France, Britain, and Russia come together to form the alliance known as the "Triple Entente". -
Period: to
Balkan Crises
Austria-Hungary and Russia argue over who would control the Balkan region (a territory near Turkey). -
Francis Ferdinand Assassination
Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to the throne in Austria-Hungary) and his wife are shot in Sarajevo, Bosnia by members of a terrorist group called the Black Hand -
Austrian Ultimatum
With support from the Germans, the Austrian leaders send an ultimatum to Serbia, making multiple demands. -
Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
When multiple demands of the Austrian-Hungarian ulrimatum were rejected by the Serbs, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. -
Russian Army Mobilizes against Austria-Hungary
Russian leader Czar Nicholas II orders partial mobilization of the Russian army against Austria-Hungary in an act of supporting Serbia. -
Russian Czar Orders Full Mobilization of Army
Czar Nicholas II orders full mobilization of his army in the idea that Germany would respond to the mobilization against Austria-Hungary. -
Germany Declares War on Russia
Russia refuses to halt the mobilization of its army, causing Germany to declare war on them. -
Irish Independence
Ireland becomes an independent nation by declaring independence from Great Britain.