• Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia causing WWI to begin

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia causing WWI to begin
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austria-Hungarian empire was killed. They believed Serbia had something to do with it so they declared war
  • Germany gets busy

    Germany gets busy
    Germany declares war on Russia. Germany sighs an alliance with turkey While America kind of stays out of things.
  • Germany

    Germany invades Luxembourg. A smaller country in Europe that wasn't hard to invade. Germanys' plan was to hit a lot of Europes' weak spots.
  • Germany and France

    Germany and France
    Germany declares war on France. Meanwhile America talks on staying neutral and out of things. While Germany plans to invade France.
  • Germany makes enemies

    Germany makes enemies
    Germany declares war on Belgium and Britain declares war on Germany, while the U.S proclaims neutrality
  • France

    France declares war on Austria- Hungary. While Austria-Hungary is still at war with Serbia.
  • Montenegro

    Montenegro a small southeastern state in Europe on the Adriatic sea. Montenegro joined their neighbor serbia On August 11 1914. Declaring war on germany
  • Russians

    On August 26 the Russians were defeated at the battle Tannenburg. Tannenberg is located on the eastern front and the Germans destroyed the Russians second army. The Germans took 92,000 prisoners and had a fantastic win. The battle ended on August 30
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    On the second battle of Ypres which took place April 22nd 1915, Germans use poison gas. this was the first tme chlorine gas was used successfully on the western front. Over 10,00 troops (allied) were affected and over half had died. Finally by May 25th allied had withdraw,
  • Womens protest

    Womens protest
    On July 17th, 1915, women in London push for the right to work in war industries. The demanded that they have the right to serve and help.
  • End of world war 1

    End of world war 1
    The end of world war one takes place on November 11th 1918. Germany had sighed an "Armistice" with other allies. This had ended years and years of war. This was known as treaty of Versailles