Japanese invasion of China
The Marco Polo Bridge incedent created a huge conflict. The Chinese Nationalists and the CCP agreed to fight with eachother against Japan China later got help form Nazi Germany for a little bit of time. Then Hitler allied with Japan in 1936 -
Germany's invasion of Poland
Germany finally started WW2 and was going to use the "blitzkrieg" startegy. They went in with bomber and fighter planes to bomb as much as possible. Then they came in with an overwhelming amount of troops, tanks, and artillery. -
German Blitzkrieg
German term for "lightning war" blitzkrieg is a tactic to create dizoganization among their enemy. It was a tactic that caused mass destruction and confusion. One of the US Generals, George S. Patton, used it against Germany. It is a very successful tactic. -
Fall of Paris
Germans walked in and basically just said they where taking over and the French just let it happen.. -
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler sent armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. The invasion covered an area from North Cape to the Black sea. That is a distance of two thousand miles. They underestimated their opponent. The biggest mistake was that they tried to be conquerors, not liberators.. -
Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a suprise. America was edging towards war with Japan for decades. on December 8, 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt Declared war against Japan. Three days after Germany and Italy also declared war against America. America is finally in WW2... -
Wannsee Conference
It was a conference to discuss what was going to happen to the jews and how they were going to do it. -
Battle of the Midway
Six monthes after Pearl Harbor, the US struke back. We defeated Japan in one of the most decisive naval battles of WW2. -
Battle of Stalingrad
It is debated as one of the greatest battles of WW2. It was the turning point in the war. -
Operation Gohorrah
Britain lost the lifes of 167 civilians after the German bombing raids in July. Britain fought back and dropped 2,300 tons of incendiary bombs on Hamburg in just a few hours.. -
Normandy Invasion aka D-Day
HistoryD-Day was the invasion of 5 beaches along a 50 mile strech of land. It took precice planning and a large scale deception design to mislead the Germans. -
Battle of the Bulge
Germany's last major offensive attack. They made Americans retreat and created chaos with english speaking Germans by having them dress in US military clothing. -
Liberation of concentration camps
Soviet forces were the first to liberat camps, they are also the people who liberated Aushwitz. -
Operation Thunderclap
It was the bombing of the last major city in Germany -
Battle of Iwo Jima
US Marines invaded Iwo Jima and took it over from the Japanese. -
Battle of Okinawa
It was the last pacific island battle, it was also the biggist island battle of WW2. -
VE Day
Victory in Europe day. It is the day that Allies beat Nazi Germany for good. -
The dropping of atomic bombs
A B-29 bomber dropped a bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. It killed 80,000 people and wiped out nine-tenths of the city. Three days later, another B-29 bomber dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki. -
VJ Day
It was the final end to WW2. The Japanese surrendered. They made it oficial on September 2, 1945 in Tokyo.