Bolshevik Revolution
Czar Nicholas II dragged 11 million peasants into World War I -
Paris Peace Conference
to establish the terms of the peace after World War -
Treaty of Versaillies Signed
When the Treaty of Versaillies was signed -
England Refuses To Renew Its Alliance With Japan
When England refused to renew its alliance with Japan -
Mein Kamph Published
A book about Hitler's struggles -
Washington Navel Conference
to discuss naval disarmament -
Stalin Comes To Power in Russia
This is when Stalin came to power in russia -
Rapallo Treaty
renounced all territorial and financial claims against the other following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and World War I. -
Benito Mussolini Comes To Power in Italy
This is when Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy -
Beer Hall Putsch
Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler with Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders to seize power in Munich -
Stock Market Crash
At this point in history, the stock market tok a steep decline causing people to lose tons of money -
Japan Invades Manchuria
This is when Japan invaded Manchuria -
Ukraine Famine
It served to control and further oppress the Ukrainian people by denying them the basic vital essentials they needed to survive -
Hitler Made Chancellor of Germany
This is when Hitler was made the chancellor of Germany -
First Concentration Camps Established
This is wen Hitler created his first concentration camps -
Hitler Invades Poland
This is when Hitler invaded Poland -
Night of Long Knives
the purge of Adolf Hitler's political opponents in Nazi Germany -
Hitler Declares himself Vice Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany
When e declares himself vice chancellor and fuhrer of Germany -
US Nuerality Acts
a series of acts intended to prevent the U.S. from being drawn into a war -
Berlin Olymics
This was the Belin Olympics -
Hitler Invades Austria
This is when Hitler invaded Austria -
Hitler Invades Sudetenland
This is when Hitler invaded Sudentenland -
Hitler Conqures The Rest Of Czechoslavakia
This is when Hitler conqurers the rest of czechoslavakia -
Munich Conference
to discuss the future of the Sudetenland in the face of ethnic demands made by Adolf Hitler -
wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms which destroyed al parts of the town with burning, stones, and breaking anythig in their path -
Nazi Soviet Anti-Agression Pact
This was a pact to go against Nazi violence -
Britain/France Declare War On Germany
This is when Britain/France declared war on Germany -
Winter War Between Finland And Russia
Tis' was the season of war for Finland and Russia -
Nazi Occupation of Norway
German invasion of Norway -
Winston Churchill Comes To Power in England
This is when Winston Churchill came to power in England -
Desert Campaigns in African Begin
This is wen the desert campaigns in Africa Began -
Defeat of French Army By The Nazi's
This is when the Nazi's defeate the Frech -
Battle of Britain
This was the battle of Britain -
Hitler Launches Operation Barbrossa
was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II -
Pearl Harbor
This was a war named Pearl Harbor -
Battle of Midway
This was the battle of Midway -
Period: to
Nimitz and Mcaurthur Begin Island Hopping In The Pacific
This was an event in istory named D-day -
Operation Market Garden
an unsuccessful Allied military operation, fought in the Netherlands and Germany in the Second World War -
Battle of The Bulge
This was the Battle of The Bulge -
US Victory at Iow Jima
This is when US won at Iow Jima -
Death of FDR
THis is when FDR died -
Hitler Commits Suicide
This is when Hitler commited suicide -
Surrender Of Germany
This is when Germany gave up on WW2 -
Surrender Of Japan
This is when Japan Surrendered out of WW2