Japanese invasion of China
japan italy america went with japan and bombed and attacked them because they wanted things from china. Many people were killed int he act of this since china didnt want to surrender to them. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
invasion of polandHitler knew that to take over Europe he would first have to go into Poland from the east and nuetralize it. then he would have to prepare for battle against Britian and France in the west. Since the Soviet Union was along with germany when they went and attacked Poland so did Germany. Poland then ceased to existed until the end of the war in 1945. -
German Blitzkrieg
history Germans found a way to use this tatic to catch different armies unprepared for them coming. This tatic was based on speed. The germans would quickly attack on different armies to take them out and get more of europe. Germany quickly overran much of Europe to this tatic. -
Fall of Paris
history Germans went into Paris to attack against them. President roosevelt froze the american assets of the axis powers. during a this many many people tried to leave and escape. -
Battle of Britain
britain battleInitial raids by Gernan bombers were aimed at ports along the coast and shipping lanes to deprive the island nation of critial material. Germany tried to invade britian but then looked to see abut his true master plan- invading the Soviet Union. Hitler had a feeling that they could handle Britain, However, Hitler made a mistake of making two fronts in the war. The Battle of Britain killed many people. -
Operation Barbarossa
history Germany wanted to take over the Soviet Union to get the rest of Europe. Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. This crutial turning point in Word War 2, for its failure forced Nazi Germany to fighta two-front war. -
Pearl Harbor
history Japanese fighter planes attacked the american naval bade causing the us to declare war on japan,then bringing japans allies into this. Japan did this because they had been planing to attack eachother for years. after all of this was done the US ended up joining ww2 -
Wannsee Conference
history HItler wanted to devise a plan that would render a final solution to the jewish question in europe. Hitler wanted to mowe the jews from europe into poland at concentration camps. In the end hitler had killed many many people in poland by gasing them -
Battle of Midway
Midway battle
Japan was keen on knocking out the remaining American carriers by luring them into a complicated trap. This trap would force the american carrier out of pearl. But the AMericans found out all the things that Japan was planning to do. So America was ready for the invasion of Japan but Japan didn't know that. In the end the Japenese had a terrible fail since America was expecting it and they lost many men. -
Operation Gomorrah
history British and american armies attacked and bombed germany. This happened because they thought that germany would call for peace. The effect of all of this lifted morales for britian but also had a big impact on the german government -
D-Day, Normandy Invasion
d-day Allied powers the english channel and landed on Normandy, beginning th eliberation of western Europe from Nazi control. They wanted to do this to free Nazi control. What happened on D-Day forced germans to fighting in a two front war. -
Operation Thunderclap
This operation was a code for a cancelled operation. they did it to shatter german morals. The plan ended up woking for the operation -
Battle of the Bulge
Bulge battle
Hitler wanted to salvage a victory on the deteriorating western front. German troops went deep into the forests of Ardennes, surprising American troops. Stiff allied resistance made the battle go longer than german troops expected. Making German troops run low on supplies. German eventually lost the battle. Both sides lost many many soldiers. -
Liberation of concentration camps
concentration camps SOviet soldiers went and librerated many concentration camps suring the war. They knew that hitler was holding many jews and not feeding them and killling them with gases. In the end there was only a few jews that survived but looked mostly like a skeleton. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
history America went and invaded japan ut japan mostly stayed inland working in tunnels and caves against america. they attacked japan because they needed it as a base near the japanese coast. america also won this attack to get the base. -
Battle of Okinawa
history The americans wanted to capture Okinawa for there 3 part plan to win the war. The americans were doing all that they could to beat japan, but some of their planes got through and did damage to america. All in all this battle took a heavy toll on both sides. -
VE Day
history Germans surrendered to their soviet antagonists. thye did this to end the war. This day was then started into a celebration. The germans were defeated yet again and this was the end of ww2 in Europe. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
history An american bomber dropped a 5 ton bomb down on the city of hiroshima. the americans tried to do this to bring the war to a speedy end. Which it did, this attack was the marking of the end of ww2. but some people say that it may have ignited the cold war. -
VJ Day
historywhat happened on vj day was that japan surrendered to their allies making it the end of the war. this day is now a celebration called victory over japan day. -
Allied invasion of Italy
itlay British invaded taly but the government secretly agreed to the allies terms for surrender. They british did this to try to defeat hitler. Groups in italy were uniting to overthrow mussolini and make peace with the allies