German blitzkrieg
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the german blitzkrieg was a strategy used by Germany to avoid long war in the early phases of WWII. Blitzkrieg was also known as lighting war. blitzkrieg was used because it was the weak point in the enemies defense. the effects of blitzkrieg was that germans were able to capture and secure their positions in Europe. The germans were able to reduce their loss with this strategy. -
the bombing of pearl harbor
The bombing of pearl harbor happened because the US cut off resources with japan. over 2,000 us people died because of the bombing. The bombing marked the entry of the united stated into WWII. Sadly japan destroyed 19 US navy ships including 8 battleships. After the bombing was finished it changed the mindset of the American people completely -
the wannsee conference
The Wannsee conference was a meeting were members of the nazi party got together and mad the "final descision". Hitler decided that the final descision was that he was gonna send the jews to Europe and north Africa. The Wannsee conference was also known as the final solution. The impact of this conference was that jewish people had to migrate out of Germany to a different area. -
D-day( Normanday invasion)
The normandy invasion was an attack that caught Germany off guard and was end the nazi reign. it was also called D- day because the operation had a departed date. this invasion brought together the land, air, and sea forces of allied armies. over 70,000 allied forces were killed on D- day. this included 2,501 Americans. -
battle of bulge
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explanation of the battle of bulge
The battle of bulge was the largest and bloodiest battle in American WWII history. this battle was between us and german soldiers. over 15,000 men died in this battle. this battle marked the last line of offense on the western front. through out this battle the us were highly outnumbered and were at a disadvantage. -
liberation of concentration camps
these camps were made as another way to get rid of jews. over 6 million jews were killed and tortured in these camps. jews were killed by gas chambers, starvation, and murder. the concentrations were orginally based in Germany. these camps were apart of the final solutions the nazi's were talking about. -
battle of Iwo Jiwa
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battle of Iwo Jiwa explanation
that battle was a battle in which the united states and the us marine corps landed and captured the island of Iwo Jima. A total of 6,140 died during this battle. this island was an emergency site for more than 2,200 B-29 bombers. the us sustained 24,053 casualites. this was the highest in marine corps histroy -
VE day
VE day is when Germany surrendered its military forces to allies including the united states. VE day is also known as victory day in Europe. this day also marked the end of WWII in Europe in the eastern front. the invasion of normandy marked for hitler. in the speech president harry S Truman said allies must work to finish the war. -
dropping of the bombs
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dropping of the bombs explanation
these bombs were drop as retalliation for japan bombing pearl harbor. the two bombs had two seperate names. one was called Hiroshima and the other was called Nagasaki. these bombs killed over 200,000 people in japan. after these bombings japan surrendered. -
VJ day
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VJ day explanation
VJ when japan was defeated and it marked the end of WWII. Japan surrendered because they realized that victory was impossible. when the war was over citizens around the world erupted in cheers. the surrender was broadcasted on radio by the emporer Hirohito.