WW2 Project

  • German Blitzkrieg

    The Germans used so many tools to help them to gain control such as tanks, and planes. It happened because Prussia's relatively limited economic resources. Germany quickly overran much of Europe and was success full for over 2 years
  • Fall of Paris

    The Germans flanked France and gain control of Paris. The Nazis snuck into Belgium from the forest which started the battle. The effect was that Germany had dominance of the continental Europe.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The attacked on Pearl Harbor damaged/destroyed 19 Navy Ships including 8 battleships. It also killed 68 civilians. Japan believes it can severely cripple the U.S. fleet and to by them time. Over 2,400 people died including Military people.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The jews needed to emigrate to somewhere else. The Nazi party and the German government officials gathered up. After the end of the Wannsee Conference it started up the Ivasion of poland.
  • Batan Death Match

    During the Batan Death Match captives were captured and shot. The American troops surrendered to the Japanese troops. As many as 11,000 of the POWs died on the Death March as a result of the cruelty and inhumanity of their guards. The survivors' suffering did not end -- over twice as many POWs died in the first two months of imprisonment at Camp O'Donnell as did on the Death March.
  • Battle of Midway

    World War II naval battle, fought almost entirely with aircraft, in which the United States destroyed Japan's first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots. War II was to gain territory in East Asia and Southwest Pacific, effectively removing the United States as the dominate power. The effects were that Japan that they could easly could take out the Americans ships but they didn't
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Stalingrad was one of the most decisive battles on the Eastern Front in the Second World War. The Soviet Union inflicted a catastrophic defeat on the German Army in and around this strategically important city on the Volga river, which bore the name of the Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin. Germany and its allies sought control over this city in Southern Russia.It put Hitler and the Axis powers on the defensive, and boosted Russian confidence
  • D-Day

    brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. D-Day was born in the immediate aftermath of America's entry into the war, and agreement on a 'Germany first' strategy. D-Day put the Allies on a decisive path toward victory.
  • Battle of Bulge

    captured American soldiers and Belgian prisoners were murdered by Waffen SS units. Hitler hoped that the German counter-attack would surround the British and American armies and stall the Allied offensive against Germany. The Americans suffered some 75,000 casualties in the Battle of the Bulge, but the Germans lost 80,000 to l00,000.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    German took the Jews to the Concentration camp for they can hold them as hostages. It was the most dangerous and no safe space for anyone. A lot of Jews died and they barely ate anything.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Nearly 7,000 U.S. Marines were killed. Another 20,000 were wounded. Marines captured 216 Japanese soldiers; the rest were killed in action.The U.S. determined that Iwo Jima must be captured. Served as an emergency landing site for more than 2,200 B-29 bombers, saving the lives of 24,000 U.S. airmen.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    the Japanese launched the largest kamikaze, or suicide, attack of the war. Taking Okinawa would provide Allied forces an airbase from which bombers could strike Japan and an advanced anchorage for Allied fleets. The battle created a humanitarian disaster for civilians as well.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    the Allies accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, bringing an end to World War II in Europe. to mark the end of World War II in Europe. tens of millions of service members and civilians were killed since the start of hostilities
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bomb

    Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
    The Americans dropped a big atomic bomb over Japan. Because it was payback for the US to get back at Japan. The US killed thousands of Japanese people and they were happy.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    the formal signing of the Instrument of Surrender aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Japan's Tokyo Bay. Japan had surrendered unconditionally, war-weary citizens around the world erupted in celebration. Japan had surrendered, brought a feeling of relief, to Allied servicemen.