WW2 Interactive Timeline

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    The Japanese were incredibly skilled fighters and have won and loss many battles, in current day japan, war culture has all but faded into obscurity. Because the Nuclear intervention was the only was of forcing the Japanese to stop their conflict which only started barbecue they needed to expand.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    Around late 1937, Japan sought to take parts of china to expand their growing need for natural resources. Japan war generals were the masters of psychological warfare by using genocide's and crimes like rape to destroy the confidence of their enemy's. at the time china was in a really bad rough patch and was in chaos.
  • German blitzkrieg

    German blitzkrieg
    The German blitzkrieg was a battle tactic founded by: blank, and its name blitzkrieg was actually called "lightning war" in german. The main overarching idea of it was to push a line of tanks through enemy trenches.
  • fall of Pairs

    fall of Pairs
    When the Germans came knocking at the Frances figurative door, the prime minister at the time Churchill pushed his government to ask for support from America. when the germens arrived at paris around 2 million people fled out of paris. all hope was not lost because Canada came around to lend a helping hand to a very unfortunates situation. It took europe a few years to regroup and start to plan and execute Their operation to take back france and balance the powers.
  • Operation Thunderclap.

    Operation Thunderclap.
    Operation Thunderclap was originally to strategically bomb Berlin to give air support to the ground troops,The railway yards, near the centre of Dresden was bombed relentlessly.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    The attack of pearl harbour was a quick and deliberate attack to help and fortify the japans position in the world stage, America seen their aggression not as constellation of power but as active war and they made Japan a public enemy and after hitler's downfall, america moved their attention over to Japan.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    was where the top german generals held a conference to deal with the "Jewish problem" which was the belief that the german people were inherently better than any other race, they decided to force the jews under their control into concentration camps were they would be worked to death or be killed on the spot so choose wisely.
  • bataan death march

    bataan death march
    The main actors in this battle was japan and america. they fought over some control and resources from the Philippines . America wanted to win no matter what and so they asked for help from England's prim ministerial Churchill. Churchill decided to joined Americas in the battle for bataan death march. But their fatal flaw was they believed that Japanese soldiers were inferior. Japanese solders were brainwashed into believing that the greatest glory was to fight and die on the battlefield.
  • D-Day

    Here are some fun facts about D-Day! did you know that their was a disinformation campaign that succeeded to misinform the germans and help lead the way for a allied victory. within the next 6 days they manage to double their man power around the area of normandy.
  • Battle of the bulge 4th attempt

    Battle of the bulge 4th attempt
    the French and English attacked Nazi Germany with a 2 front war. Hitler's men as a last ditch effort tossed what they had left together and tried to split up the French and British attack. Which was unsuccessful and, the victor of this battle was the allied forces. The name was decided because the combined forces other their invasion made a bulge shape at its peek.
  • Liberation to concentration camps

    Liberation to concentration camps
    here are some not fun facts about the concentration camps. when the Russians liberated the concentration camps they first though it was abandoned but eventually found these emaciated men and women clinging to dear life. before the Nazi's lost they had to move most of the Jews within the camps because of the Russian's. the saddest part was how many of the sickly people who were still alive were shot on the spot instead of letting them get into Russians' hands.
  • Battle of iwo Jima

    Battle of iwo Jima
    this was a conflict between USA and Japan, it took place on a island in the eastern ocean (Iwo Jima). This their strategy that helped them win was a nice balance between air, ground, water, also the USA used a strategy that is called island hopping. the reason they actually took this island (Iwo Jima) was because it let some of their bombers to be in range for their invasion of Japan if needed.
  • VE day

    VE day
    this was a great day for all in the EU because it was the day that the allied forces defeated Nazi Germany around 1 million of the Nazi forces tried to escape that day from Russia after loosing but the Russian's weren't having any of it and quickly and efficiently captured most of the solders. once everything was said and done the allied forces moved their attention back to japan.
  • dropping of the atomic bomb

    dropping of the atomic bomb
    The Manhattan project was Japans final figurative nail in the coffin, first it started with a single nuke but when that wasn't enough to force the Japanese into submission they had to use their only other nuke. the first nukes was dropped onto a city with the name of Nagasaki, the second nuke was dropped on Hiroshima.