the victory corps was an american prog during ww2 that provided training to make female hs students foucused on skills revlent to the war effort raged from phys condtions to special skills depending on the desired branch of armed forces -
douglas mac arthur
american five star general and field marshall of the philppine army chstaff of the united states srmy during 1930s he was in islands hopping batann death -
omar bradly
he was a highly disingused senior officer of the he was who saw distingusted serviceafrica western europe during ww2 the was ako known as a top general during d-day -
geroge marshall
he was in american statesmann and soldier he was cheif of staff of the us army under president roosevelt humans servd as secetary of state defensive under human he haired as the organizerof victory by winston churchill -
lend leave program
provided for military aid country who depends was ital to the security of the united states the act authorized the president to transfer formation or any other union congress appropriated by allowed the president to transfer war material to a belonged Britannia and without pay -
allied powers
on world war 2 the chief allowed powers where great Briana France britian France the soviet union the us china dined forever from 1942 regions for a folly beastliness criticism conflicts fully establish world of peace freedom justice for all -
axid power
axied power took thwe name after the tripatur parstwaswighned by germany italy and japan 9/27/1940 in berlin the axis partners and 2 common intecresses terminotal expansion foundation of empres of rmpire based on ondinarly -
during ww2 waves was acroym for women accepted for nvolunteer emergency service waves let women women work on planes and fly planes in the contatial us -
tuskegee airmen
where the first gruop of african americans fighers flights in the us army corps ww2 the army had resits using black men as pliots then created a segregated unit them -
dwight d eisenhower
was 34th president of the us prior to his president of the us prior to the presidsncy eishower was a little commanding the dday envasion while serving as a surpreme allied commander in europe during ww2 -
pearl harbor
in zunnews of airplanes damma destoring 1805 sips more than 260 airplanesand injuerd talked about he morning of this day japenese banned the island of our hawwai the day after roosevelt aked congess to delecare war on japan was adate which will live in infarny entry ww2 for us -
pearl harbor
the mornig of this day japennese bombed the island of oahu in two waves of airplanes damging or destroying 18 us ships more than 260 airplanes and injuries killed about 6000 americans the day after roosevelt asked congress to declare war japan a famous quote from fdr in response to the actions a date which will live in family -
code talkes
the american military needed an underapreiated code to cumminacate the could not to be boxen byt he japennese the unwrien and extremly comlex by using the language american forces could transit mesges by telephone and radiowithout the japense -
omar bradely
he was highly distingusthed senior traffic to the us army whoaw distughed service in north america and western eroupe during world ww2 he was also known as a top genearl during d-day