Japanese Invasion of China
Conflict broke out when China began resistance to the expansion of Japanese influence in its territory. Japan’s defeat by the Allies in 1945 ended its occupation of China. This is known as the Sino-Japanese War.
Sino-Japanese War -
Germany's Invasion of Poland
Adolph Hitler relied on neutralizng Poland for his whole entire conquest of taking over Europe. On September 1st, Germany invaded Poland. The Soviet Union brought an army from the east and the last Polish defenders surrenderd.
Germany Invades Poland -
German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and firepower. German forces first used the blitzkrieg inPoland in 1939. They used this tactic sucessfully with invasions of Belgium, the Netherlands and France in 1940.
German Blitzkrieg -
Fall of Paris
On this day, Germans entered Paris. 2 million parisians fled the country. Winston Churchill tried to convince the French government that America would enter the war and come to their aid. The United States did not remain completely idle, though. Also on this day, President Roosevelt froze the American assets of the Axis powers which were Germany and Italy.
Fall of Paris -
Battle of Britain
It was a significant turning point of World War II, the Battle of Britain ended when Germany’s air superiority over the Royal Air Force.
Battle of Britain -
Operation Barbarossa
Germany invaded the Soviet Union. This was codenamed Operation Barbarossa, it was the largest military operation in history. It involed 3 million troops and 3,500 tanks. Hitler believed that the Germans needed more living space.
Operation Barbarossa -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the United States, bombing warships and military targets in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack lasted 90 minutes. 2,400 Americans were killed.The next day President Roosevelt signed a declartion of war against Japan.
Pearl Harbor -
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was a meeting was a meeting of Nazi senior officials held in the Berlin. The agenda was to devise a plan that would have a solution to the Jewish question in Europe. Months later, the gas vans seemed to be the solution they were looking for.
Wannsee Conference -
Bataan Death March
Filipino and American troops captured on the Bataan Peninsula begin a forced march to a prison camp near Cabanatuan. During the Bataan Death March, the prisoners were forced to march 85 miles in six days, with only one meal of rice during the entire journey. By the end of the march, hundreds of Americans and many more Filipinos had died.
Death March -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was one of the most decisive U.S. victories against Japan during World War II. During the four-day battle, the U.S. succeeded in destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers while losing only one of its own.
Battle of Midway -
Operation Gomorrah
British bombers raided Hamburg, Germany, by night in Operation Gomorrah, while Americans bombed it by day. Hamburg was well defended. Operation Gomorrah was scheduled to last for 3 nights.
Operation Gomorrah -
During World War II, the Battle of Normandy, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. The battle began on June 6, 1944. 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches of France’s Normandy region. This battle is also known as D-Day. The allies knew that a successful invasion would be a key part to winning the war.
D-Day -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
The word Holocaust means "whole burned." Over 6 million people were killed. Survivors found it hard to return home since many of there family members were dead. Troops arrived to different camps in the year of 1945 to free them.
The Holocaust -
Battle of Iwo Jima
American soldiers made their first strike on the Japanese home islands. 3 U.S. marine divisions landed on the island. The marines wiped out the defending forces within a month of fighting.
Battle of Iwo Jima -
Operation Thunderclap
The allies bombed the German city of Dresden. 60,000 civilians were killed. The Germans were fighting inside their own territory on two fronts. With the east being critical, they considered that Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz, would all be suitable targets.
Operation Thunderclap -
Battle of Okinawa
The battle of Okinaws was the last and biggest pacific battle. They were a series of battles fought in the Ryukyu Islands. The commanding generals from both sides died during the battle. It was between the U.S. and Japan.
Battle of Okinawa -
VE Day
VE Day is also known as Victory in Europe day. Great Bitain and the United States celebrated victory. German troops throughout Europe laid down their arms.
VE Day -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
At 8:16 a.m. Japanese time, an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atom bomb, over the city of Hiroshima. About 80,000 people are killed and another 35,000 were injured. Another 60,000 died by the end of the year from the effects of the bomb.
Atomic Bombs -
VJ Day
This was the day that Japan surrendered, ending WWII. It stands for Victoryover Japan Day.
VJ Day -
Battle of Bulge
Germans launced the last major offensive of the war. It was an attempt to push the allied front west from northern France to northwestern Belgium. It resulted in a massive loss of American lives.
Battle of the Bulge