• Treaty Of Versailles

    Germany was disarmed and forced to pay reportations to france and Britian for huge costs of the war. hitler joined the small political party in 1919 and it went up to the speeches. He impowered national pride, militarism and a commitment to the volk and a racially "pure" Germany. Hitler changed the name of the of the party to National Socialist German Workers partry. one year later, Hitler became the leader of Fuhrer.
  • Rize of nazis

    Hitler attemped to arm at the authorties in munich, known for beer hall putsch and failed. Hitler was charged and demand, he went a courtroom for people to hear the act. he got charged an went to prison for 5 years, but got out in one. Nazi's were also short term sentenced.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    While HItler was in prision, he wrote a book about his struggle, it was published in 1925 and it was called Mein Kampf. He became a leader and his paln was t make a centralized and structured party that would compete germanys future elections. Hitler became a sole leader, the party members swore loyalty untop death.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    The great coalition governement collapsed while fightingabout unemployement benefits.The German presidents advisers talked him into invoking the constutions emergency presidentail powers. Powers allowed the president to restore law. Hindenburg made a new governement.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    Hinde Burg's trial was ending as president in Spring of 1932. He's 84, he was relucant to run again, knew if he didnt, Hitler would win. Germany Governemt almost is collapsed. SA Brownshirts, about 400,000 were part of daily street violence. Economy sucked, 6 months, the powerful German leders were embroiled in a series of desperate political maneuverings. players underestimated Hitlers political parties.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    President Paul Von Hinden burg appointed Hitler Chancellor. Hitler made a concentration camp. Nazi's arrested communist, socailist and labors. Camps were for training centers for guards and cammandants who taught terror tactics to dehumaize prisoners. Parlimentary Demecrocy ended with Reichstag to Enabling Act government was issueing laws without Reichstag.
  • Rize Of Nazi's

    August 2nd 1934 Hindenburg died. Hitler combined the offices of Reich chancellor and president making himself Fuhrer and Reich chancellor or Reichsfuhrer.
  • THe Rise Of Nazi's

    Nuremberg laws. Jews were no longer citizens. they were seperated by race under "The Law for the prrotection of German Blood Of Honor". Can not have relations between each other.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    Olypics happens in Berlin. The Nazi regime could accept the terms. Nazi's said they would let the news play. Nazi troops violate Versailles Treaty. Hitler prestige, the war will be more costly.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    March 1938, Hitler took over Austria without blood. Nobody protested of Treaty Of Versialles violation. September, Hitler didnt want to invade France or Britian without knowing of interveneing. Met with Neville chamberlin with threatning to go to war if territory wasnt received. Germany occupied Sudentenland on October 15th 1938. Germany opened the "antiSemitism", Jews were being killed, arrested and thrown in jail and concentration camps. The jes could not do anything.
  • Rise Of Nazi's

    In August, Nazi foreign minister signs a non aggresion pact with the soveit union. Hitler thinks it will save money. September 1st, Hitler invaded Poland starting ww2. Frnace and Britian helps poland. Hitler uses Blitzkreig towrds them. Poland lost, and Germany milatary wanted anew order for jews and slaves