
  • Japan Invades

    Japan invaded manchura china in 1931. Japan realized that it had no resources. Once they knew they had no resources they knew they had to expand to get them.
  • Hitler named Chancellor

    Hitler being named chancellor was a huge event for the Nazis. Hitler was a fascist leader. He would make many changes and advancments quickly.
  • Nazi Party Rules

    The Nazi pty would become the official party of germany. Ths is big for the Nais because it gives them lots of power. The rise of Nazi Germany begins
  • Hitler Becomes Fuher

    On august second Hitler became the dictator of Germany. At this time the consentration camps are starting to form. Hitler became fuher just over a year after he was named Chancellor.
  • Hitler youth starts

    Hitler made it manditory for all males age 10-18 to join the hitler youth. The hitler youth was like a boy Scouts for Nazis. It esentually brain washed the kids to believe they were the best and jews where the cause of the problems.
  • Nazi Germany Annexes Austria

    Germany annexing Austria wasa in direct Violaton in the treaty of versailles. AUstria was glad to be annexed by Germany.
  • Germany Goes to Prauge

    When Germany invades Prauge it was in direct violaton of the Munich agreement. THe munich agreement said the Germany wouldnt in vade Czechosylvakia.
  • Jews SHipped Out

    Aldof HAd jews taken from austria. HE sent them to consentration camps. HE also took them from Czechosylvakia.
  • Curchill becomes Prime Minister

    On May 10,1940 Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of Britian. He is exactly what Britian needed.
  • Pearl Harbor

    As said by one of the greatest presidents of all time FDR," December 7, 1941 is a date that will in infamy." Pearl Harbor is when the Japanese Bomb our pacific fleeet in Hawaii. If our air craft carriers werent out at sea the US would be set back for years.