Treaty Of versilles -
Mussolini Came to Power
This is the year He came to power -
Hyperinflation in Germany
Weimar Republic was the start of Hyperinflation in germany .. the made prints of monney that was not any good to people. they use there money to keep them warm.. -
Joseph Statlin Came to Power
Joseph Statlin Came to Power -
Stock Marcket Crash
The Gerat Depression
The Great Depression happened due to a number of reasons. It was created by a combination of a stock market crash, bad banking structure and tight monetary policy. This is why it lasted so long. -
Franklin Rosavelt Elected President
He became the 32nd President of the United States -
Hitler came to Power
Hitler came to power in Germany -
What Lead To World War ll
When events began happening in Europe that would eventually lead to World War II, many Americans took an increasingly hard line towards getting involved. The events of World War I had fed into America's natural desire to isolationism, and this was reflected by the passage of Neutrality Acts along with the general hands off approach to the events that unfolded on the world stage. -
Germany Faces First Defeat
They Face Their First Defaat by Brittain -
Hideki Tojo Came to Power
He became the prime Minister of Japan -
Pearl Harbor
Jaan Enters The war And attacks americas naval Front at Pearl Harbor. -
Battle Of Stalingrad
Germans 6th army is lost war begins tuin allies favor -
Hitler Falls
Hitler Commits Suicide by Gunshot -
U.S.A Creates he Atom Bomb
They Created the Atom Bomb and forced Japan to surrender