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Time period 7 timeline by: Chloe Rivera

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine warned people to not interfere with western hemispheres affairs.Represented nationalism, and greatly influenced American foreign policy. Later allowed for a justification of the sphere of control.
  • Spheres of influence

    Spheres of influence
    Area of one country under control of another country, both politically and economically.
  • Anti-Imperialist league

    Anti-Imperialist league
    A group of anti-imperialist who came together. Believed expansion was against consent of the governed and the principles of liberty. Opposed the idea of war with the US with Spanish trying to win Cubas freedom from Spain.
  • Open door policy

    Open door policy
    US foreign policy statement to china trying to create more trade opportunities. Also allowed to expand trade markets for an increase in goods.
  • Russo Japanese war

    Russo Japanese war
    Russia and Japan were fighting over Korea [imperialist ambitions], Roosevelt held peace negotiations
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Highlighted the gruesome facts about the meat packing industry, in hopes of achieving change by drawing attention to it.
  • Pure Food and drug act

    Pure Food and drug act
    A law that called for the inspection of meat products and wouldn't allow the selling of adulterer foods and lethal medicines.

    The main goal of the NAACP was to get rid of racial discrimination. Gain rights for African Americans. Got grandfather clause ruled unconstitutional.
  • 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    The direct election of senators by the voters instead of election by state legislatures.
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    Improved levels of production and worker productivity. Created by Henry Ford to help companies.
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    Allowed the imposition of income taxes.
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    created banks that allowed for money to be lent out. The First Central banking system since 1836.Had power to print money.
  • sussex pledge

    sussex pledge
    Response to sinking the Sussex ship. Promised that no attacks would be made without warnings. Germany soon retracted this pledge and went back to unrestricted warfare.
  • espionage act

    espionage act
    People faced fines/imprisonments for obstructing war efforts. Upheld with Schenck v. US. First amendment rights may be limited. Punished people for aiding the enemy.
  • Jones act

    Jones act
    Provided Filipino independence and universal male suffrage.Puerto Ricans were granted some rights and established a Senate and House in PR.
  • red scare

    red scare
    Americans grew afraid of communist, radicals and foreigners are targeted
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    fine/imprisonment to discourage sale of war bonds or disparage military, govt, or constitution
  • National war labor board

    National war labor board
    A group of representatives from business and labor in hopes of settling disputes between workers and employers. Settled labor difficulties that might hinder on the war efforts.
  • treaty of Versailles

    treaty of Versailles
    Created to solve problems that arose from World War 1. Demanded that Germany dismantle the military and give land to Poland and also made them pay reparations.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    Federal Marshalls raided suspected radicals homes and radical headquarters.
  • volstead act

    volstead act
    Enforced the 18th amendment. prohibiting the sale of alcohol.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    Assembly with seats for all nations. The US didn't want to join the league because it took away self-determination and congress couldn't decide on if they should go to war.
  • Sacco & Venzetti

    Sacco & Venzetti
    1921 court case involving poor anarchist italian immigrants. Convicted of murder because the people who did it looked Italian. The verdict reflected anti-immigrant anti-radical ideas.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    blossoming of African American culture in NYC Harlem, showed pride and cultures of African Americans
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Teapot dome scandal
    Harding administration scandal in which a secretary profited from secret leasing to private oil companies of government oil reserves.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Plan to revive German economy, US loans money and would then be payed back through reparations. Attempt to pay off the damages of world war 1.
  • scopes trial

    scopes trial
    Trial about the teaching of evolution in a classroom, in rural areas showed fundamentalism.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    triumph of the 1920s peace movement, linked 62 nations in the "outlawry of war"
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Stock market failed, One of the signs leading to the Great Depression.
  • dust bowl

    dust bowl
    Loss of vegetation, soil became dust and eroded mainly because of unsuitable farming conditions or droughts.
  • Hawley Smoot tariff

    Hawley Smoot tariff
    A high tariff made during the Great Depression. that was placed on imported goods. Originally made to assist farmers but was soon the highest protective tariff.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    Repealed 18th amendment..each state has the power to ban the making and selling of alcoholic beverages within its borders.
  • Good Neighbor policy

    Good Neighbor policy
    Withdrawal of American military from foreign places in hope of improving international relations and bringing together the Western Hemisphere
  • 20th amendment

    20th amendment
    Changed the date in which the terms of president, Vice President, senators and representatives start to finish.
  • New deal

    New deal
    FDR, increased power of the state and the states intervention in US social and Economic life
  • social security act

    social security act
    made sure there was retirement payments for enrolled workers at the age of 65.
    insurance collection of payments throughout career= Monthly payments to people over 65 years, unemployed, disabled, single moms
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    War between US, Cuba and Spain. Cuba gained independence and US annexed Puerto Rico, Guam, and Phillipines
  • Quarantine Speech

    Quarantine Speech
    called for positive endeavors to quarantine aggressors by economic bans... opposed by isolationists
  • Fair Labor standards act

    Fair Labor standards act
    Regulated minimum wage and the maximum amount of hours for interstate commerce... outlawed labor by children by children under 16
  • ManHattan project

    ManHattan project
    Secret research and development done by the US for an atomic bomb... success granted US bombs that helped win war with Japan
  • holocaust

    Hitlers attempt to ensure German supremacy... discriminated among a lot of different people had concentration camps with barbaric camps
  • Pearl Harbor act

    Pearl Harbor act
    Japanese military attacked a US naval base and killed many... soon after the US declared war [Germany and Italy attacked US as well] ... only way to prevent anarchy
  • Lend Lease act

    Lend Lease act
    US would lend weapons to overseas countries who would finish the job of the fighting and keep war overseas from the US
  • Four Freedoms speech

    Four Freedoms speech
    FDR proposed 4 points of fundamental freedoms humans everywhere should enjoy
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    like FDR 4 freedom speech, agreement between America and Britain but not an alliance, gave freedom of trade and seas, no territory change and right of people to chose their government
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    4 day battle where US was victorious in the end and regained control of the central pacific
  • Tehran conference

    Tehran conference
    FDR, Stalin and Churchill agreed to go to war with Japan after an allied victory. Agreed on invasion of France.
  • D-Day

    million troops stormed Normandy beaches and started to retake France, WW2 turning point.
  • United Nation

    United Nation
    was formed in order to start conversations between nations to prevent further world wars
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    FDR, Stalin and Churchill agreed in surrender of Nazi Germany... Russia agreed to declare war on Japan, and in return USSR concession in Manchuria and territories lost in Russo-Japanese War