World map

WW1 Timeline - World Civ

By BriaS
  • Germany becomes a unified nation

  • The Austrian Empire becomes Austria-Hungary

    The Austrian Empire becomes Austria-Hungary
    After its defeat, the Austrian Empire reorganized itself as Austria-Hungary and approved of Germany's growing leadership in Central Europe
  • France loses of territory to Germany

    After France was defeated in 1871, the country lost status and territory to Germany
  • Period: to

    Germany surpasses Britain, becoming the leading industrial power of Europe

    This significantly altered the balance of power in Europe and threatened Great Britain
  • The Great Powers recognize Serbian independence

    The Great Powers recognize Serbian independence
    Serbian independence from the Ottoman Empire was finally recognized in 1878 by the Great Powers. The Great Powers also put Austria-Hungary in charge of a multi-ethnic region called Bosnia -Herzegovina on Serbia's border. Serbia also formed ties with Russia, which became Serbia's protector
  • Bismarck reduces Russian threat

    Bismarck reduces Russian threat
    In 1881, Bismarck formed an alliance with Russia and Austria-Hungary called the Three Emperor's Alliance
  • Triple Alliance is formed

    Germany formed an alliance between itself, Austria-Hungary, and Italy to protect from the growing distrust of Germany.
  • Wilhelm II takes the German throne

    Wilhelm II takes the German throne
    After becoming the kaiser (meaning German emperor), Wilhelm II focused on creating an overseas empire. To do so, he began strengthening the navy
  • Bismarck leaves office

    Bismarck leaves office
    First chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, steps down from his position. With his resignation, the Reinsurance Treaty expires, increasing tensions with Russia and GB
  • France forms alliance with Russia

    Taking advantage of the expiration of the Reinsurance Treaty, France forms an alliance with Russia. In this alliance, France provided money and other assistance to help Russian infrastructure
  • Britain begins having concerns on the developments of other Euro nations

    Britain started having a lot of concerns pop up by 1900. Concerns like the Russian expansion into Asia (threatening British control of India) and Germany's growing naval army
  • The Trans-Siberian Railway is Completed

    The Trans-Siberian Railway is Completed
    The Trans-Siberian railway was the first railway linking Europe and Asia, which increased Russia's interest in East Asia
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia and Japan go to war over Manchuria and Korea. The war was ended when the United States, GB, and Germany forced a settlement on the warring countries. In the end, Manchuria was returned to China and both Japan and Russia being unhappy with the outcome.
  • Period: to

    The US takes charges of Latin American countries

    Unlike the Europeans at the time, the US was mainly focused on business investments in Latin America. To protect these investments, America released a policy that blocked European powers from increasing their control in Latin America. This helped the US get a stronger hold on Latin America, and caused resentment from Latin Americans
  • The Anglo-French Alliance

    The Anglo-French Alliance
    The alliance between the French and Great Britain to increase relations. Greatly threatened Germany and sparked the creation of the L'etente Cordiale German propaganda piece.
  • Triple Etente is formed

    Concerned about the ever-rising threat of Germany: Britain, France, and Russia form the Triple Etente
  • Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Korea becomes a Japanese Colony

    Korea becomes a Japanese Colony
    As a result of the Russo-Japanese war, Russia had to respect Japan's control over Korea.
  • Period: to

    The Balkan Wars

  • The Extended Russian Empire

    The Extended Russian Empire
    In 1914, the Russian Empire extended from Central Europe to the Pacific and from the Arctic to present-day Afghanistan. With the shifting of European power, Russia wanted to protect its colonies
  • The Ottoman Empire officially enters the War

    In November of 1914, the Ottoman Empire entered the war siding with Germany and Austria-Hungary to form the Central Powers.
  • France begs for Russian support on the Western Front

    France begged Russia to invade Germany to take the pressure off of the Western Front. Russia was not prepared for battle and was nearly completely destroyed with 130,00 killed, wounded, or taken
  • British use naval blockades to cut off Germany

    British use naval blockades to cut off Germany
    Within weeks of going to war, GB declared the entire North Sea a zone where British ships could see any German cargoes
  • Period: to

    The Western Front

    The area of trenches stretching for 400 miles from the English Channel to Switzerland was known as the Western Front. It was a brutal killing field where the Allies attacked the German trenches
  • Archduke Ferdinand's Assassination

    Archduke Ferdinand's Assassination
    In an act of Serbian nationalism (and poor planning on the Archduke's part) Franz Ferdinand was assassinated while visiting soldiers in a hospital
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    Tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia have gotten worse since Serbia had doubled in size and Ferdinand's assassination was seen as the last straw. Austria-Hungary wanted to use the assassination as a reason to go to war. Hungary started making harsh demands of Serbia, expecting the Serbian leaders to reject the demands. However, when Serbia agreed to them, Austria-Hungary declared war anyway
  • Period: to

    Timespan of WW1

    The tensions of the international powers finally erupted in 1914 and the resulting war would last until 1918 (surprising the Europeans of the time)
  • Germany demands Russia to halt its mobilization

    After pledging to protect Serbia, Russia began to mobilize its army and other resources for war. Upon hearing this the Germans demanded they stop immediately
  • Germany attacks Belgium

    Germany attacks Belgium
    When Belgium refused to allow German troops to enter its territory, Germany attacked it. This was a violation of Belgium's neutrality so Britain declared war on Germany the same day
  • Japan declares war on Germany

    Japan declares war on Germany
    In hopes of gaining Germany's Asian colonies, Japan declared war on Germany
  • Italy joins the Allies

    Italy joins the Allies
    After being neutral for a long time, Italy finally joins the Allies when the war broke out
  • Germany starts using poison gas

    Germany starts using poison gas
  • The Lusitania gets sunk

    The Lusitania gets sunk
    A German U-boat sank the British passenger ship Lusitania. More than a thousand passengers died. This, along with the sinking of two more passenger ships later that year, completely diminished U.S-German relations. This event also led to the creation of lots of propaganda
  • The Armenian Genocide

    The Armenian Genocide
    The Three Pashas arrested hundreds of Armenian leaders. These men were conscripted into work camps where many of them were killed and the rest died of exhaustion. Other Armenians were ordered to go on death marches into the Syrian desert
  • Period: to

    Germany runs low on resources

    There were extreme food, fuel, and raw material shortages. Clothes were becoming scarce by 1916 and in 1917 food riots and strikes happened frequency
  • Euro peace movements spread

    Euro peace movements spread
    By 1917, peace movements existed in every Great Power where German forces were entrenched
  • America enters the war

    America enters the war
    America's entry into the war was a turning point as many of the countries involved were exhausted. By July, the U.S. warships were helping the British navy
  • Pres. Woodrow Wilson issues the Fourteen Points

    Pres. Woodrow Wilson issues the Fourteen Points
    In an effort to bring the war to an early end, President Wilson issued a statement of war goals called the Fourteen Points. The first five addressed general world concerns and the next eight dealt with specific European and Ottoman territorial issues
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    After being forced back to its own borders by the French, British, and Americans, Germany finally was no longer able to fight. And the war was finally over on November 11, 1918 at 11:00am.