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ww1 timeline events in order.

  • Germany begins the attack on verdun.

    Germany begins the attack on verdun.
    The attack on verdun was planned by the german chief of the general staff,Erich von Falkenhayn to secure the victory for Germany on the western front.
  • Archduke francis is assasinated

    Archduke francis is assasinated
    This death shaped the ar and was important because of him being assasinated in a different country his men got mad and started a war because of it. This was the main reason why ww1 started.
  • Austria hungary declares war on Serbia beginning ww1.

    Austria hungary declares war on Serbia beginning ww1.
    This happend because there king Archduke Francis as murdered there in Serbia.This lead to Austria hungary to have no choice but to call a war against them to still show there dominence. Austria hungary anted to punish Serbia because a serbian terrorist murdered Achduke Francis.
  • Austria hungary invades russia.

    Austria hungary invades russia.
    After Austria hungary declared ar on Serbia The russians had to join as they held an allience.This ment that Austro and hungorians had to attack or defend first. They were also the central poer so they also had germany so they honored this and attacked russia.
  • germany begins naval blockade of great britian.

    germany begins naval blockade of great britian.
    The german government regarded the blockade as an attempt to starve the country into defeat.They wanted to retaliate in kind.the germans high seas fleet set out multiple times from 1914 to 1916 to reduce the brttish gran fleet and to regain acces to vital imports.
  • Allied forces land on the gallipoli peninsula of the ottoman empire.

    Allied forces land on the gallipoli peninsula of the ottoman empire.
    At dawn on 25 April 1915 Allied troops landed on the gallipoli peninsula in ottoman turkey. The gallipoli campaign was the land based element of a strategy to allo allied ships to past through the darnelles.
  • Italy declares war on Austria Hungary.

    Italy declares war on Austria Hungary.
    in the final analysis it was the emperers obstinicy that cause italt to enter the was as an enemy of the danube monarchy.when italy joined sides with the triple entente it was on the understanding that the allies ould seek to provide italy with substantial territorial gains at the cost of Austia Hungary.
  • American combat forces arrive in france.

    American combat forces arrive in france.
    Although the first group of american troops arrived in europe the AEF did not fully partispate at the front until october, when the first division, one of the best trained divisions to the AEF entered the trenches at Nancy, France.
  • Naval battle of jutland takes place between british and german fleets.

    Naval battle of jutland takes place between british and german fleets.
    the only major encounter between the main british and german battle fleets in ww1 fought near the skagerrak an arm of the north sea about 60 miles off the westcoast of jutland (denmark)
  • Germany returns to unestricted submerine warfare after the sinking of lusitania.

    Germany returns to unestricted submerine warfare after the sinking of lusitania.
    Germany councellor theobald von bethmann hollweg protested this decision as he belived that resuming submerine warfare would draw the united states into the war on behaalf of the allies. This he argued this would leave to defeat of germany.
  • united states declares war on ghermany.

    united states declares war on ghermany.
    The decloration to this war was a responce to the submirine war that germany had been waging on its enemies since january 1917.
  • Russia sighns amristice with Germany

    Russia sighns amristice with Germany
    this took place in a city called litovsk located in modern day belarus near the polish border. russia sighned the treaty with the central powers ( Germany Austria-Hungary,Ottoman empire,Bulgaria.) ending the participants in the war.
  • Russia sighns the treaty of brest litovsk with germany.

    Russia sighns the treaty of brest litovsk with germany.
    The treaty of Brest litovsk was a peace treaty sighned on march 3rd 1918 between the new Bolshevik government of soviet. russia and the central powers sighned the treaty of peace.
  • Germany begins its final offiencive of the war.

    Germany begins its final offiencive of the war.
    submirine warfare had failed to defeat britain and that larger numbers of american troops would soon be commited to the war. The Germans prepared for there final offencive in the west.
  • the sighning of the treaty of versaille.

    the sighning of the treaty of versaille.
    the treaty of verslille was sighned on june 28,1919 by the allied and the accosiaated powers by the germany in the hall of mirrors in the palace of versallies.the treaty gave some german territory to neihboring countrys, snd plsced other german territory under supervision.