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WW1 Timeline

  • Orderd to Gallipoli

    Orderd to Gallipoli
    The anzac's are ordered to war in Gallipoli.
  • Start of world war one

    Start of world war one
    The start of WW1 happend because of the Assassion of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in sarajevo by a serbian nationlist.
  • Period: to

    WW1 Timeline

  • Britain declares war on germany

    Britain declares war on germany
    britain invades Germany and Australia is dawn inti the conflict because it is part of the british Empire. Germany declares war on russsia on 1st August, France on the 3rd August and invades neurtral Belgium on 4 August.
  • Australia takes control

    Australia takes control
    Austraila takes control of the German New Guinea
  • HMAS Sydney

    HMAS Sydney
    An Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney, sinks the German raider SMS Emden, near the Cocos Islands
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    An estermated 100,000 men took part in the unoffical ceasefire.
    In the trenches of the Westen Front the Germans were singing carols and lining their trenches with Christmas trees and candles. The Allied soldiers joined in creating a truce. They laid down their weapons, swapped gifts, food and whisky. On Christmas day on no man's land they talked took photographs and play footy.
  • Anzac

    The ANZAC (Australian and New zealand army corps) is formed in Egypt. The acronym was created by military clerk.
  • landing of Gallipoli

    landing of Gallipoli
    Australian and british Empire land on the Gallipoli peninsula as part of an attempt to threaten the ottman capital constantinople. They faced unexperted hostile terrain with extreme heat causing disease's
  • 9 hour truce at gallipoli

    9 hour truce at gallipoli
    At the agreed time of the nine-hour truce, Soldiers from both sides men went into no man's-land to retive the dead and dieing body's. They exchanged cigarettes, dried fruit and regimental badges.
  • New troops arrive

    New troops arrive
    the 52ed Divsion arrived to the Battle of Gully Ravine witch advanced the british.
  • battle of lone pine

    battle of lone pine
    The first Anzac brigade sucessfully captures turkish trenches at lone pine.
    They will stay there for 3 days fighting back counter attacts. They had heavy losses on both sides.
  • The final British offensive

    The final British offensive
    The final british attempt to capture scimitar Hill and hill 60.
  • New prime minster

    New prime minster
    William "billy" hughes becomes Austraila's Prime Minster. Hughes played a key role in post-war peace agreements.
  • ANZAC Troops evacuate

    ANZAC Troops evacuate
    The Anzac evaculation from Gallipoil begins. It is most successful operation of the whole campagin saw enormous.
  • Conscriped in Britain

    Conscriped in Britain
    More then 2 million men join the british army between August 1914 and december 1915. The british army were targeting single men aged between 18 and 41.
  • U.S.A Enter the War

    U.S.A Enter the War
    US president woodrow wilson decares war on germany after germany breakes ageements.
  • Battle of Bullecoult

    Battle of Bullecoult
    Austrailan and British troops attact the German fornt line in Northan France. The attact was poorly planed and was a total disaster. There were 3,000 Austrailan men died and 1,100 taken prisioner.
  • Second Battle of Bullecourt

    Second Battle of Bullecourt
    Again Australian and British troops attact successfully force the German's to withdraw. However 7,400 Australian men were lost in the Battle.
  • Third Battle Ypres

    Third Battle Ypres
    More than 38,000 Australian's were kiled or wounded in the Ypres battles. It took three attempts to end the Battle of Ypres in Belgain.
  • Battle of Beersheba

    Battle of Beersheba
    The Australian lighthouse carries out the famous cavalry charge at the battle of Beersheba near Gaza
  • Russian and German peace treaty

    Russian and German peace treaty
    The Russians pull out of the war.
  • Germans launch sping attacts

    Germans launch sping attacts
    The Germans launch a spring offensive in an attempt to force a conclusive victory on the western front. Large troops of Americans arrive and helpto defend Dernan-court.
  • The battle of Amiens

    The battle of Amiens
    The Battle of Amiens begins a series of encouters that result in a german collapse on the western front. Australian's are prominent in the fighting. One of the major battles where tanks are successfully used.
  • Turkish collapes

    Turkish collapes
    Mounted troops defeat the Turks at the Battle of Megiddo. Prince Feisal's Sherifial Hejaz Army signal the defeat of the Ottoma Empire.
  • Ottoman Empire signs armistice

    Ottoman Empire signs armistice
  • Guns fall silent

    Guns fall silent
    Following the abdication of Kaiser wilhelm II, the Germans agree to an armistice conluding hostilities. The frist wrold war ended with more than 60,000 men killed in the war with 156,000 wound, gassed or taken prisoner
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    league of nations is establisheh to help maintain world peace.