Event 11
World war one began on June 18, 1914 when a Serbian terrorist shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne, and his wife. Austria declared war because of the act. Other countries around the world were soon pulled into the fight that had broken out. -
Event 10
World War One had introduced the machine guns. A weapon that had came into the U.S by Hiram Maxim. The gun and everything it had weighed about 100 pounds. Most of the machine guns in World War One were based on the gun that Maxim had made. -
Event 14
The U.S. was in the war in actual combat for only seven and a half months during which time 116,000 were killed and 204,000 were wounded. In the Battle of Verdun in 1916, there were over a million casualties in ten months. -
Event 1- Went to camp
Fri. Dec 14, 1917
Weather: fair, mild.
Up at 5:30 am
It had snowed and the wind was bearable.
Breakfast was at 6:00 and it consisted of mush, baked apples, chopped up ham and eggs, coffee, and some bread. Had some drills mostly rifle drills, had gotten uniforms and went to bed at 9:45 pm. -
Event 2
Fri. December 21, 1917
Weather: mild, fair.
Health: Throat sore
Up at 6:00
Made bed and had breakfast. Did some drills and got a new gun-gotta keep it clean.Went to parade grounds armed with ammunition bombs. Later, had some potatoes and salmon- got no letter from Leah, gets worried. Stand 2 minutes in mud and slush, feet cold and wet as the hole filled up with water. Bought a ticket to take some supplies by the station, came back happy. Mark had a package for me from my mama. -
Event 9
The best fighter of world war one was Rittmeister von Richthofen . He had token down 80 planes, more than any other WWI pilot. He died after being shot down near Amiens. France's René Fonck was the Allies most successful fighter pilot, shooting down 75 enemy planes. -
Event 12
The Germans were very skilled at cracking codes during World War One, however, when the U.S commander in charged at the time used Choctaw tribe members from the the national guard unit in Oklahoma they used a very hard code to which the Germans could not break. -
Event 13
Many countries were allies and so forth. When one country was in the war their allies were dragged into the war because of the alliances. Most of the people were allied with one another which is why most of the counties were in the war. -
event 16
8 million soldiers died in world war one. 65 million troops were mobilized during during the war, 8 million troops died and 21 million troops were wounded. 58,000 British soldiers were lost on the first day at the Battle of the Somme. Chemical weapons were first used in World War I. The chemical was mustard gas. -
Event 15
Germany and Japan left from the League of Nations in 1933. Italy left as well three years later. The League of Nations was unable to stop German, Italian, and Japan from expanding their power and taking over smaller countries. -
Event 3
Had oatmeal and coffee, wait impatiently for Leah to come. Boys out in the fireback with basketballs, footballs, medicine balls, and baseballs. I wait for Leah, it’s 12:00 o’clock. At 12:45 Leah has not yet arrived, so I go in the mess hall. I grab some food such as a lamb leg and coffee. Not very good walking, one of our men has slipped and hurt his head. 8 men today who are prisoners. Rifle position and aiming exercises. I was frighted thought out of the south. -
Event 4
Wash and police rather clean my room. Breakfast, bacon, hash, coffee. Dishes must go unwashed. When the working details are all out I go upstairs to read and write. I continue writing for more than an hour. We were in quarters to make hast to find shelters in the dugout. There were our men and half of the signal men and linemen there. They were taking down dead wire near the OP and were apparently spotted by the German observation balloon, which sent a recommendation that they will be shelled. -
Event 5
Tue. August 14, 1918
Weather: Fine, Warm.
Health: Fair, Very tired
Up at 6:00
In the valley of death and Desolation. Hike about 50 Kilos during the day. Some men are killed at the edge of the woods by the bombs that Boche dropped last night. Horses killed and equipment damaged. -
Event 6
Both native Americans and African Americans served during the war. Almost 13,000 Native Americans served in the war and over 200,000 African Americans served in the war as well but on 11% in combat. -
Event 7
Many men faked during the war just to be part of it. They were either poor or didn't have anything else to do. They faked their ages to go in the war and it actually worked. This was quite common during the war for everyone to do that. The youngest person to fake their age was a 12 year old boy. -
Event 8
In world war one Germany were the first to use the flame thrower in the war. Their flame throwers could fire jets of flames as far as 130 feet. They had an advantage for a little bit with the use of the flame throwers but soon got overpowered.