WW1 Timeline

  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, so the Austrian government demanded war on Serbia
  • Period: to

    The time of WW1

  • Germany jumps in

    After the war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia started, Germany decides to jump in and help Austria-Hungary.
  • Germany brings in another

    Germany declares war on France bringing them into everything.
  • German troops enter Belgium

    German troops invade Belgium. Belgium has 43,000 men to face the German forces
  • Great Britain joins the war

    Great Britain declares war on Germany because of the German army growth
  • Invasion of Lorraine

    The French Army marched into Lorraine with heavy artillery
  • Night bombing

    The Farman MF-11 was used by the French. They used this plane for night bombing a German artillery station
  • The U.S. declares war on Germany

    The U.S. Declares war on Germany, bringing the US into the war.
  • Germany declares war on Portugal

    Portugal's army consisted of over 33,000 men and was allied with the French. Portugal sent out attacks on many German ships and was declared war on
  • British Attack Messines

    Lots and lots of heavy artillery was used during this attack from the British
  • US troops arrive in France

    45,000 US men arrived overseas to put their efforts in the war.
  • German's Retreat

    the 2nd Battle of Marne, German's were forced to retreat after losing several men to the French and British
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This treaty declared peace between everyone, This treaty was discussed between France, Britain, the United States, and Italy.