• Archduke Franz Ferdinand Is Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Is Assassinated
    On June 28th 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand who is heir to the Austrian throne and his wife visited Sarajevo in Bosnia. When a bomb was thrown at their auto but missed. But they continued there visit only to be shot and killed by the lone assassin who was thought to be a Serbian nationalist. The Austrians targeted their anger towards Serbia. As the U.S citizens start to question what was going on and started choosing sides as most sided with Austrian and Germany for now.
  • Great Britain Declares War

    Great Britain Declares War
    August 8th 1914, Great Britain decided to declare war on Germany, while on the same day U.S declares neutrality trying not to risk anything to keep a good relationship with other countries, so they could continue using trade routes with out being attacked for now to keep their economy up and to not be invaded. Also Germany started The Siege Of Liege in Belgium that lasted 12 days.
  • The German U-Boats Become A Problem

    The German U-Boats Become A Problem
    The British passenger linear Lusitania was transporting passengers, with some hidden weapons for the allies on board. When off the Irish coast a German U-Boat torpedoed the ship as it sink in 18 minutes, drowning 1,201 persons, including 128 Americans. After this horrible event President Wilson sent four diplomatic protest to Germany.
  • The Re-Elect Of Wilson

    The Re-Elect Of Wilson
    On November 7th in 1916, the American voters decided to re-elect President Woodrow Wilson who campaigned the slogan "He kept us out of war". Which many Americans agreed with.
  • The German Telegram

    The German Telegram
    On a normal day in America the British intercept a telegram sent by Alfred Zimmermann in the German Foreign Office. This telegram was to German embassies in Washington D.C, and Mexico City. The telegram stated that Germany and Mexico would form a alliance against the U.S, so Mexico would gain their territories back while Germany provided tactical support. Americans became outraged after they heard, such as former president Teddy Roosevelt who favored American military involvement in the war.
  • The War Becomes More Interesting

    The War Becomes More Interesting
    March 6th 1917, the day Americans had enough as congress allowed the U.S to declare war on Germany. Now the war becomes serious with a big American powerhouse with the Allies and the Germans with the Central Powers.
  • American Troops Land In New Land

    American Troops Land In New Land
    As American troops prepare to fight in a bloody war, they land in France hoping to help the Allies or stack up on more supplies. Meanwhile across the waters many families are worried in the U.S.
  • A New Act Becomes Passed

    A New Act Becomes Passed
    The Seditions Act of 1918 was enacted on May 16th to extend the Espionage Act of 1917. The Sedition Act covered a range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast government or the war effort into a negative light or interfered with the sales of government bonds.
  • The Fighting Is Now Ending

    The Fighting Is Now Ending
    At 5:10 am, in a railway car at Compiegne, France the Germans sign the Armistice which is effective at 11 am. Fighting continues at Western Front till 11 am precisely, with 2,000 casualties experienced by both sides. As soldiers yearn to claim they fired the very last shot in the war. Many U.S soldiers go back to the U.S celebrating, telling their stories, remembering the ones who risked their lives.
  • A German Delegation Signs A Treaty

    A German Delegation Signs A Treaty
    At the palace of Versailles in France, a German Delegation signs a treaty formally ending the war. Its 230 pages contain terms that were a little common with Wilsons Fourteen points. Meanwhile Germans back home reacted with mass demonstrations against the perceived harshness. As many people blame the war on Germany. Now the world can live in peace for now, but this wouldn't be the last big war for the U.S, as many U.S citizens believed without the U.S helping the allies they would of lost.