• WW1 Key War Events Research

    This war was marked as the end of mobile warfare on the western front. Germans re-engaged allied forces on the Anise. This is where fighting began to stagnate into trench warfare. Months of the war caused shock due to huge casualties caused by modern weapons. A million men were killed.
  • Interview Answers

    Interview Answers
    Mr. Brown was a Navy Seal when he served in WW1. His rank was seaman second class. Mr. Brown claims it was a matter of patriotism in why he joined the military. He choose the navy because he liked traveling and ships going to different countries. Mr. Brown said he was 13 when he joined.
  • Biographical information

    Biographical information
    Lloyd Brown was in the war from 1914-1918. His military status was veteran. He was enlisted into the Navy. Unit of service was the USS New Hampshire (BB25). Mr. Brown was not a prisoner in the war and is the last known Navy Seal to fight in the war.
  • Photos

    A composite photo of Brown and the USS New Hampshire BB-25. Another picture shows Admiral Coon'ts private orchestra Brown was in. Brown in Honolulu, Hawaii in this picture. Brown and his wife, Sadie, at her 98th birthday party. Last picture is Brown and his interviewer, Patricia Redmond.
  • Letters

    It only took 2 days for a letter from Britain to reach the front in France. Began at purpose-built sorting depot in Regent's park. Also before shipped to the trenches before sorting. By the end of the war two billion letters and 114 million parcels had been delivered.
  • Gallipoli

    The campaign that started in April 1915-1916. This was about land based strategy. It was intended to let allied ships to pass through Dardanelles. Also to knock Ottoman Turkey out of the war. Trench warfare quickly took hold mirroring the fighting of the western front.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The longest battle of WW1. It was also the costliest war. It began February 1916 with a German attack on the fortified French town of Verdun. It was were bitter fighting would continue for most of the year. The Germans lost 430,000 men while the French lost 550,000.
  • Jutland

    The largest naval battle of the first WW1. It was It was the only time British and Germans fleets of Dreadnought' battleships actually came to blows. The British lost 14 ships and over 6,000 men. The Germans had lost 2 ships and over 2,500 men. Never again challenged British for control of the North Sea.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    The Russians had suffered series of crushing defeats in the first World War. But the Brusilov offensive would be the most successful Russian offensive. It is also one of the most successful breakthrough operations. Named after the Russian commander Aleksei Brusilov who led it. They did tactics surprise attacks.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    A jointed war between British and French forces. Intended to achieve a decisive victory over the Germans on the western front. This was the most painful and infamous episode of the first World War. There was a 7 day bombardment prior to the attack on July 1st. The battle became a deadlock of attrition.
  • Certificate

    The name of this certificate is called Bureau of NAVAL PERSONNEL. This was made at the Navy apartment. It said his date of birth was October 7, 1899. It also describes his race which is white and how he looks. Mr. Brown's place of birth was Lu-tie, MO.
  • Explosion in France

    Explosion in France
    I looked interested in this topic i found. While the war was going on raged in mud and trenches. A very different war was going on under their feet. Miners dug 100 feet under enemies to plant bombs. The explosion was heard 140 miles a way.
  • Journalist struggle

    Journalist struggle
    Their were Journalist who risked their lives during the war. They were trying to report realities on the war. Government sought to control the flow of information from the front line. Journalist also became banned. If caught it would be the death penalty.
  • Interview with Lloyd Brown

    Interview with Lloyd Brown
    It is June 28th, 2005. This is the veterans history project. They began to interview with Lloyd in his home town located in Maryland. Mr. Brown is 103 years old. He is one of the 30 remaining world war 1 veterans. He also has a daughter named Patricia T.
  • Honorable discharge

    Honorable discharge
    This is the last thing I could find on Mr. Brown. This was his last certificate given. It is a united states Navy Honorable discharge. It was given to him 11/14/1925. It states the certificate is rewarded as a testimony.