• Assasination of Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Assasination by Serb Nationalist Philips. Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbian Government for the assasination and declare war on Serbia. Russia alligns with Serbia.
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
  • Germany declared war on France

    Germany declared war on France.
  • British declared war on Germany

    British declared war after Germany violated Beligium neutrality with the Schleiffen Plan.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Germany declared a warzone around Britain where any ship would be sunk without warning in efforts to disturb Britain's trade routes. After the Lusitania and Arabuic (US ships) was sunk killing American citizens, America declared war on Germany (6 April, 1917)
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gallipolli

  • Period: to

    Battle of Ypres

  • Period: to

    Battle of Somme

  • The Treaty Of Versailles is signed

    WW1 end.
  • British, France declared war on Germany

    British and France declare war on Germany in an attempt to prevent Hitler’s global hegemony.