WW1 Eugene A. Curtin

  • German Spring Offensives

    German Spring Offensives
    Represented balance on western front. Germany fired gas and other dangers at enemies. Germany open up artillery fire. Germany failed to succeed.
  • Domino Affect

    Domino Affect
    The domino affect started with Austria blaming Serbia for the assassination. Ferdinand's death declared war on Serbia. Germany pledged to Austria-Hungary. Russia pledged to help serbia.
  • Mania

    Militarism is when a country strengthens the military. Alliances is when 2 countries come together and help one another. Nationalism is when you have great pride in your country. Imperialism is the practice to gain land in other areas. Assassination of Archduke Francz Ferdinand.
  • Militarism

    Germany built their military up by 73%. They began to push themselves among other countries. They were preparing for something. Nobody knew what it was. Nobody increases military by that much without preparing for something.
  • Imperialism

    Great Britain, Germany and France needed foreign markets. They fought for Africa territory. They thought it was the perfect spot. It was a good transport spot. Which led to fighting.
  • Alliances

    Their was 2 sides of alliances. The Central powers and they consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The Allies which is the other side consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. These 2 sides changed and continued fighting. After these countries formed alliances the war started
  • Battle Of Marne

    Battle Of Marne
    Britain launched counter strike on Germany. Germany had great success early on. Germany began to lose the advantage. Turned around and went back home. They were retreating due to lack of advantages.
  • Letter To Frank

    Letter To Frank
    He is in charge of 150 patients. There are about 800 beds all full. He is constantly busy and no time to write. He never has good conditions to write. Due to being busy all the time
  • Letter To Brother Vince

    Letter To Brother Vince
    They are planning to attack. They will see results soon. They are also training more people to fight and and they should be done soon. They can stop attacks and make progress. They plan to attack when soldiers are done training.
  • Letter To Mother And Sisters

    Letter To Mother And Sisters
    He was on the sea going to London. He was an officer in American Army. Don't worry about him he is going to make it just fine. Hes not afraid because of honoe
  • Letter To Mother

    Letter To Mother
    He is sure gonna be fine. He is not as enthusiastic about being there. He hasn't seen any of his friends. He walked ten miles to see one person. He sent back a division patch to his mother.
  • Letter To Clare

    Letter To Clare
    The conditions were not good to write. Gun fire was not as frequent. They were in Germany control for a little bit. He could not write do to the conditions. A war was started due to being cold and needing food.
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    After surviving Germany's attacks the allied power countered. They began their push to beat the Germans from their on. Developed advanced methods to beat the enemy. The punch had a major blow to Germany. Which caused Germany to retreat.
  • Battle of Megiddo

    Battle of Megiddo
    Marked beginning of British led offensive success. The Cavalry, infantry and artillery were working perfect. It was a major turning point. It encouraged winning for the allies
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    Brought WW1 to an end. Made Germany pay for damages made. Germany was not hurt or weakened permanently. They built back up in case of another war. Did not build up by 73% this time.