

  • Archduke Assissinated

    Archduke Assissinated
    Two bullets were fired on June 28th. One was toward Archduke and another was to his wife Sofia. Gavrilo Princip shot and killed them both in the street of Sarahaven.
  • Promises

    Kaiser William II promised German support for Austria against Serbia. They were all forming an alliance together to help each other.
  • First Attacks

    First Attacks
    Austria declared war on Serbia. This was the first start of many attacks.
  • New Plans

    New Plans
    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany had to implement the Schlieffen Plan.
  • First attack on Britian

    First attack on Britian
    The first Zeppelin raid on Britain took place. The war takes to Great Britain.
  • U-boat invasion

    U-boat invasion
    The “Lusitania” was sunk by a German U-boat. Germany started using unrestricted warfare. Forgetting about their promise to end it.
  • British Loss

    British Loss
    British forces surrendered to Turkish forces at Kut in Mesopotamia. Britain is overtaken by the Turkish troops. Many Britain soldiers were lost.
  • USA Joins the war.

    USA Joins the war.
    USA declared war on Germany. USA joined the war when germany blew up our ships and we got wind of the zimmerman note.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans.
  • We are winning

    We are winning
    The advance of the Allies was successful.