Ribbentrop / Molotov Pact
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On that day, Germany and USSR surprised the world by signing the nonagression pact, in which two countries agreed not to take action against each others. The pact also contained a secret agreemeent in which the USSR and Germans agreed that they would divide up Eastern Europe. However, Germans broke the agreement and invaded USSR. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
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1.5 million German troops invaded Poland all along its border. The German Luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields, and German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea. Why : The conquest of Poland would bring more living space to German people. Effect/impact : Britain and Frace had declared war on Germany on September 3 and The Soviet Union invaded eastern Poland on Sept 17,1939 -
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German Blitzkrieg
Germany used the Blitzkrieg tactica against Poland, Denmark, Belgium, the Neatherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, and Greece. The Blitzkrieg tatctic contains offencive weapons along a narrow front. Germany wasn't able to defeat the Soviet Union. -
Fall of Paris
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One the day, Parisian were awoken by the sound of a voice announcing via loudspeakers that there was a curfew. That evening German troops entered and captured Paris. By the time German troops came, most Parisian hadalready fled. The remained Parisians who trapped in their capital were rescued by the Canadian troops. -
Operation Barbarossa
Resource LinkAdolf Hitler launched his armies eastward on to the Soviet Union. THe invasion covered the North Cape to the Death Sea, a distance over two thousand miles. Its failure forced Nazy German to fight a two front war.
Why : Hitle wanted to defeat communism, take over land in USSR and used the Soviet people for slave labor. Effects/impact : an increase tension between Soviet and USA for a dominance and influence in the world and the dissapearance of Hitler and Germany. -
Pearl Harbor
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In December 7, 1941 the japanese sent fighter planes to destory the naval base, Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. More than 2,000 soilders and sailors died that day. And about 1,000 wounded, 8 battleships were destroyed along with over 300 airplanes. That started WW1. -
Bataan Death March
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After the Pearl Harbor, the Japanese invasion of the Philippines began. They had captured Manila. Three months later, combined by the lack of food and diseases U.S. finnally surrendered. The surrendered Filippinos and Americans were ronded up by Japanese and forced to march from Bataan Peninsula to San Fernando. -
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Battle of Midway
Resource LinkJapan wanted to sink the US aircraft carriers that escaped the battle of Pearl Harbor. America had broked the Japanese fleet codes to understand the Japanese exact plans. Japanese lost 322 aircrafts and about over 5,000 soilders while America lost 147 aircrafts and more than 300 seamen. -
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Battle of Stalingrad
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It's one of the most bloodiest battles of history dealing with civilian casualty and the military. The Russians defeated the Germans but circling around them. The victory of the Stalingrad caused a great humiliation on Hitler. -
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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Resource LinkThe Nazi forecd the Jewish citizens into a ghetto surrounded by barbwire and armed SS guards. They were living in a poor condition. People were died because of the diseases and starvation. An undeground resistance group was established in the ghetto - the Jewish Combat Organization (ZOB). They ambuzed the Germans. The fighting lasted for a month. By May 16, the germans firmly controlled the ghetto. About 300 Germans were killed and about thousand Jewish were massecred. -
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Tehran Conference
Resource LinkIt's a meeting between the Allies. They talked about the borders to keep Germany away, who to declare war on, etc. They made the Declaration of the Three Powers Regarding Iran. -
The battle of Normady lasted only 2 months. Named Operation Overload. This began on June 6th aka D-Day, when about 567,000 American, Britain, and Canadian forces landed on 5 beaches. This invasion was one of the biggest military assaults in history. -
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Battle of the Bulge
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Germans launching one of the largest offensives of the entire war against the overextended U.S. and British forces. Ending the belive that the war might be over before 1945 After the battle, Germans lost many equipments and troops that here was no way thier armies could launce another attack to the Allies. It ruined German army and brought the war to an end. -
Libaration of Concentration camps
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Allies troops encountered ten of thousands of concentration camps prisoners. These prisoners were suffering from starvation and diseases. Auschwitz is the largest killing and concentration camp. They was an evidence of mass murder in it. -
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Battle of Iwo Jima
Resource LinkBattle in Iwo Jima between the Japanese and the Americans on the Japanese coast. Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installations. The Americans defeated the Japanese eventhought the conditions weren't well. -
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Battle of Okinawa
It also known as Operation Iceberg. The mission was to capture or destroy the Japan island's air bases. American used a deadly tactic on the seas: kamikaze attacks. Pilots loaded their planes with high explosives and clashed into ships, destroying several airfair. -
VE Day
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On this day, both Great Britain and United States celebrate Victory in Europe day. It was the day German troops finally laid down their arms. -
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Postdam Conference
The Allies set a meeting to end WW2 in Postdam, Germany. Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945. Eventhough they had many disagreements, they managed to get some conclusion from their agreements. They had nations agreeing to the Council of Foreign Ministers to set peace treaties. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
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The U.S. is the first country to use the atomic weapons when it drops the atomic boms on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The dropping of the bombs leads to the end of the World War II. Many historians said that it cause the Cold War. The blast of the bomb immediately killed 80,000 people. 3 days later another bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. -
VJ Day
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Japan had surrendered to the Allies, ending World war II.Since then, both August 14 and 15 are known as Victory over Japan Day.
Many VJ Days fell over the year due to the concerns about their being offensive to Japan