
World War Two Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Hitler's "Saturday Surprises"

    Hitler's "Saturday Surprises"
    March 8th was Hitler's first Saturday surprize. It took place on a weekend when British leaders retreated to their country homes. Hitler announced that he was rebuilding the German air force, reinstating the draft, and rearming the nation.
  • Taking Austria

    Taking Austria
    In the fall of 1936, Hitler allied with Italy. The ageement had a number of consequences. It gave Mussolini German support for his invasion of Ethiopia. It also opened the way for the Anschuluss, or union of Germany and Austria.
  • Appeasing Hitler

    Appeasing Hitler
    In 1938, with secret funding from the Nazis, many of those Germans agitated for a return to the Reich. By summer, Hitler was openly supporting those demands.
  • Death Threats and Broken Promises

    Death Threats and Broken Promises
    Six years after Hitler became chancellor of Germany, Hitler told the Reichstag that other nations were hypocritical in their complaints that Germany mistreated the Jews.
  • Targeting Poland

    Targeting Poland
    The Nazis took a group of prisoners from a concentration camp to Gleiwitz, a twon on the Polish border. After being dressed in Polish army uniforms, the prisoners were killed.
  • Conquest in the East

    Conquest in the East
    The Nazis shipped 167 professors at Cracow Uiversity to Sachsenhausen, a concenttration camp outside Berlin. Later that week, they arrested a thousand Polish intellectuals.
  • Conquest in the West

    Conquest in the West
    The Nazis turned their attention to the West. in April, they conquered Denmarck and Norway.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    The Invasion of Russia
    Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia to destroy once and for all the Jewish-Bolshevik menace. The German army advanced.
  • The United States Enters the War

    The United States Enters the War
    Hitler declared war on the United Sates. It was Germany against three powerful Countires.