
Popular Culture & World War II

  • Introduction

    During World War II, popular culture and technology were extremely important. Popular culture defined the era and technology allowed for new advancements for the US military, the war effort, and for people at the home front. This timeline highlights some popular pieces of popular culture and technology that were utilized greatly during World War II.
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  • Vinyl Records & World War II

    Vinyl Records & World War II
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    During World War II, vinyl records were used as a source of entertainment. This vinyl record in particular holds a recording of an official Navy battle song. The song is titled "Don't Give up the Ship" and was recorded by Decca Band and used during World War II.
    The song "Don't Give up the Ship" came to be when the command, "Don't Give up the Ship", was shouted as encouragement for US Navy troops during the war of 1812.
  • Magazines, Radio, & World War II

    Magazines, Radio, & World War II
    Magazines and the radio were important sources of technology during World War II. During World War II, magazines were used as a source of entertainment and to spread advertisements across the United States. Similarly, radios were also used as sources of entertainment and as a fast way to spread news across the United States.
    "Radio News", was a popular technology magazine from 1919-1971, but flourished as a source of entertainment during World War II.
  • Television & World War II

    Television & World War II
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    Television, particularly cartoons, were a popular source of entertainment for US troops during World War II.
    The cartoon, "Private Snafu", was specifically created as comedic relief for American soldiers during World War II. Private Snafu was published in 1943 and ended in 1945.
    Compared to Looney Tunes and Bugs Bunny cartoons, Private Snafu made jokes about war and allowed for troops to laugh during such a stressful time.
  • Advertisement Film & World War II

    Advertisement Film & World War II
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    During World War II, advertisement films were popular. During war, videos were made for people at the home front to advertise jobs, promote safety tips, and deliver news. This video in particular is a video advertising jobs for women during World War II and how they can help with the war effort. The video is narrated by First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt.
  • Informational Film & World War II

    Informational Film & World War II
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    During World War II, informational films were popular. During war, informational videos were made for people at the home front to advertise jobs, safety tips, and news. This video in particular is a video of President Truman announcing to the people of the United States that Germany has surrendered, declaring that the United Nations have won World War II.