
World War Two Homefront Timeline

By lexxep
  • The Military Draft was Instituted

    The Military Draft was Instituted
    The military draft required all men ages 21 to 45 to register for the military draft.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    This was the final straw for America entering World War Two, Japan bombed the United States so they'd destroy our fleet and we wouldn't enter the World War.
  • America Enters World War Two

    America Enters World War Two
    The United States Congress held an almost unanimous vote to go to war with Japan for bombing us and killed 2,403 people.
  • Women Start Working

    Women Start Working
    The first few groups of women started going out to work in factories and doing war jobs while men were going off to war.
  • Rationing Starts in America

    Rationing Starts in America
    The United States started following in the steps of it's fellow allies and starts rationing dairy and meat products, oil and gas, and metals.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    President Roosevelt's response to Pearl Harbor was to put Japanese-American's in ten internment camps across America out of fear they were spies.
  • Draft Age Lowered to 18

    Draft Age Lowered to 18
    The draft age was lowered from 21 to 18 as the war went on due to a lack of men. The older men were usually taken first before the younger men.
  • Rosie The Riveter Posters Started Coming Out

    Rosie The Riveter Posters Started Coming Out
    In an effort to inspire more women to start working while men were away at war, Rosie The Riveter was created based off of a popular song by Norman Rockwell.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    After four long years of fighting and war, World War Two finally ended with a victory for the allies.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    The celebration of the war ending after the Japanese finally surrendered in the war.