Nationalism is the development of deep patriotism towards one's country. The idea of nationalism is important in the history of World War 1 because it brought fierce competition between nations and motivated nations to overthrow other countries. Because of this loyalty, many rivalries erupted within Europe's Great Powers. Materials, markets, and territorial disputes were the main factors of tension in Europe. -
Period: to
World War One
The idea of imperialism was to inquire other nations politically, economically, and socially. Many European countries wanted to capture colonies is Asia and Africa. Due to the want of colonies, many European nations were constantly at the edge of war. The hatred and animosity between the European countries grew to a greater extent. -
Policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war. By having a confident and stable army, many citizens felt patriotic and motivated. Since many nations possessed this confidence, other nations became frightened and some became anxious to fight in a fierce battle. This growing rivalry created doubt within several nations, but it also led to military alliances among the Great Powers. Peace was kept in Europe because of the formation of these alliances. -
Kaiser Comes Into Power
After Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm ll became ruler of Germany. Wilhelm believed that since Germany had become stable that they would be able to support themselves. After Germany canceled its treaty with Russia, Russia formed an alliance with France in 1892. Bismarck feared this alliance because Germany could then become seen as a week nation. Wilhelm wanted to match the fierce competition of the British so he attempted to create an equal navy. Britain didn't like the idea of Germany becoming powerfu -
Triple Alliance is formed
Otto von Bismarck, the German Kaiser, saw that the greatest threat towards peace was France. Bismarck understood that France was holding grudges and wanted revenge because of its defeat in the Franco-Prussian war. From this, Bismarck knew that he must isolate France from Germany and future alliances in order to make them stronger. As a result of Bismarck’s actions, the Triple Alliance was formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. -
Triple Entente is Formed
When Great Britain realized that Germany was becoming stronger with their improved armies, they took a strategic step in creating an alliance with both France and Russia in 1907 known as the Triple Entente. This relation guaranteed that Britain would never encounter war with France and Russia. Between these two alliances, the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance, war was in the near future. -
Uprising between Austria-Hungary and Serbia
Serbia had a copious amount of nationalism, so they desired to expanded there territory out to the furthest border, Austria-Hungary was against this idea. Tension grew between these two nations, which resulted in a want for war. On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, successor of the Austrian throne, was shot by a nineteen year old Serbian named Gavril Principe. Because of this commotion, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. -
War Sparks National Conflict
With the war starting between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, Russian troops assemble themselves to assist Serbia. Also, on August 1st, Germany reaches out to Austria-Hungary by declaring war on Russia. To Austria's benefit, Germany continues to help by invading France. After this invasion, France's ally, Great Britain, declares war on Germany. -
The War Ignights
In the summer of 1914, there were two conflicting sides, the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. Japan and Italy joined Triple Entente making it known as the Allies. Meanwhile, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire joined the Triple Alliance, making it known as the Central Powers, because of their central location. Millions marched into battle not aware of the tragedies that would come of it except for Sir Edward Grey, Britain's foreign minister. -
The First Battle of Marne
On the eastern side, Germany was fighting with Russia, and on the western side, Germany was fighting with France. In order to maintain Germany's power, they had to conduct strategies that would save their nation. The developed the Schlieffen Plan, which allowed them to attack and defeat France, and then hastily march to Russia for battle. Germany felt that they could defeat Russia because Russia did not have a strong railroad system like the other European nations. -
Technology During WW1
The Germans marched to attack the French with their new war tools. This technological efficiency caused massive death rates. These causalities negatively affected the morale of each country. During this time period, several new advances were made in the discovery of new weaponry. Such as, poison gas, the machine gun, tanks, and submarines. These brought along mass destruction on the battlefield. -
Battle on the Eastern Front
The Battle on the Eastern Front was fought between Russians and Serbs against Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Just as Russia was about to claim victory, Austria manages to defeat the Russians and force them out of Austria-Hungary. This defeat shortened the Russian's supply of food, guns, ammunition, clothes, and blankets; the only thing that was in their favor was their large numbers of troops. With these copious numbers, Russia was able to shorten Germany's full potentiel of fighting in the war. -
Another Deadlock
In failure to end the stalemate, the Allies come up with strategies to attack the Dardanelle, part of the Ottoman Empire. The Allies goal was to reach Constantinople, defeat the Turks, and later stabilize a trade connection to Russia, with this, British, French, Australian, and new Zealanders assaulted Turks. These assaults didn't hurt the Turkish region and the Turks were able to defend their land. Because of this fierce completion, The Allies and Turks found themselves in a stalemate. -
Germany Angers its Neighbors
Germany came up with a tactic, known as unrestricted submarine warfare, of attacking ships from undersea. The Germans continued to test this policy even though it killed millions and outraged German neighbors. After the United States attacks Germany because of these unfair tactics, Germany finally agrees to stop. Germany wants to help Mexico regain its land from the United States, if Mexico will ally with them. This pushed U.S closer to war because of hatred toward Germany. -
Total Dedication
Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, and France dedicated all supplies and resources to battle achievements. War government clutched the economies of these countries. These nations could only purchase a miniscule amount of everyday items, which was called rationing. This system helped provide more supplies for the war. The government also used propaganda, which provided one-sided information to civilians; it provided the war with support. -
Russia Resigns
Shortages of food and feul in Russia forced Czar Nicholas to resign. To replace him, a provisional government was intrenched which enforced the idea to continue fighting in the war. By the mid 1917's, several Russian soilders were killed or kept captive. Because of these casualities, Russian forces refused to fight anymore. In November, Vladimir Lenin took power of Russia and called to end Russia's involvement in the war. He offered Germany a treaty which would end the war between them. -
Allies Take the Win
Germany prepared themselves for one last attack on the allies. With a long journey ahead of them, many Germans started to lose their energy and their drive. The allies used this as an advantage and called up 140000 healthy US troops and launched a counter-attack. On July 1918 Germany and its allies created the Second Battle of Marne. As the allied forced continue to progress, the German forces began to crumble. German government met with French Commander and made an agreement to stop fighting, -
Impact of theWar
Overall, the war brought great tragedies to both sides, which included the loss of an entire European generation. It also depleted the European banks, and distroyed massive amounts of land. To this day, we still reminese on the Great War. It was a time of adversity, loyalty, and formation of nations. It was a time that changed our world and set the future.