
World War ll

  • Japanses invasion of China

    Japanses invasion of China
    The Japan-China WarJapan claimed that Chinese troops opened fire at them in Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing. Using that as an excuse, Japanese launched a full-scale of China. Within five mounths, one million Chinese people were under Japanese control.
  • Period: to

    World War ll Timeline

  • Garmany's invasiom of Poland

    Garmany's invasiom of Poland
    german invasion of polandOn September 1st, 1939, Nazi soldiers dressed up like Polish troops and invades Poland. More than 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes, broke through Polish defenses. After days of bombing, Warsaw surrounded to the Germans on September 27, 1939. Poland was controlled by Germans until January 1945.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    blitzkriegBlitzkrieg was a solution to the trench warfare of World War l. This was Germans way of invading countries. German's Blitzkrieg attacked Poland on September 1st, 1939, than Denmark, Norway, and the Low Countries in April-May 1940.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    fall of franceOn May 10, 1940, Germany launched an invasion on France and the Low Countries. The French army was not ready to fight Germany. Four days into the invssion German troops crossed the Meusa river. On June 5, French resistance finally collapsed.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    operation barbarossaOn June 22, 1941, Hitler made a plan to invade Soviet Union, called Barbarossa. Over 3 million German soldiers, 150 division, and 3,000 tanks invade Soviet territory. This plan failed, because Russian troops won the battle and kicked Germans out of Russia. Operation Barbarossa was the worst decision Germany made during the war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    pearl harborBefore 8 A.M. on December 7, 1941, hundreds of Japanese fighter plans attached the American navel base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. The whole thing lasted 2 hours, and Japanese destroyed nearly 20 American navel vessels, including 8 battleships, and 200 airplanes. More than 2,000 American troops died that days and 1,000 were wounded. The next day President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declair war on Japan.
  • Wannsee Confrence

    Wannsee Confrence
    WannseeOnJanuanry 20, 1942, 15 high ranking Nazi government officials had a meeting in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee, to discuss Jews future. The "Final Solution" was the name of the operation. In 1941, Hitler authorized this European-wide sceme for mass murder. Before killing, about 11 milion Jews, Heydrich was planning on using them to do hard labor work.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    Bataan Death March On April 9, 1942 U.S. surrender of the Bataan Peninsula on Philippine island. About 75,000 Filipino and American troops had to march to prison camps in harch conditions.
  • Operation Gomoarrah

    Operation Gomoarrah
    operation gomorrahOn July 24,1943, British aircrft drop 2,300 tons of incediary bombs on Hamburg in just a few hours. British bombers raid Hamburg, Germnay by night in operation Gomoarrah. British olny lost 12 aircraft and 791 flew. At the end, 17,000 bombs sortiex dropped more than 9,000 tons of explotives. It killed more than 30,000 people and destroyed 280,000 buildings.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    allied invasion of italyItaly secratly agreed to surrender to the Allies. In spring of 1943 opposition groups overthrown Mussolini and made peace with the Allies.
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
    D-DayThe battle of Normandy lasted from June 1944 to August 1944. the battle began on June 6, 1944, also known as the D-Day. on that day 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along 50-mile stretch on the coast of France's Normandy region. By late August 1944, all the northern France had been liberated.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    battle of BulgeThe Battle of the Bulge started on December 16, 1944 to January 25,1945. More than quarter-million German troops launched the deadliest and most desperate battle in heavily forested Ardennes. American untits were caught flat-footing and faught desperation battles to stem the german advance at St.- Vith and other regions.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    battle of iwo jima america needed a base near the Japanese coast. As this been said, three U.S. marine divitions landed on the island on Febuary, 1945. Japan has 23,000 army and navy troops fighting. The battle lasted for about a month. At the end of the battle the U.S. flag was raised in vitory. In that battle, America lost 5,900 troops and 17,400 got wounded.
  • Operaton Thunderclap

    Operaton Thunderclap
    operation thunderclap"Operation Thunderclap" was a plan to bomb the eastern-most cities in Germany. Churchill prto suppost pomised the Soviet forces to support them moving west into Gemany. They wanted to demonstate to the German populaton. This plan was to kill as many civilians as possible or force them to turn against their government.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    battle of OkinawaThe Battle of Okinawa was the lost and the biggest battle of WWll. The Okinawa campaign involved the 287,000 U.S. troops of the U.S. Tenth Army, against 130,000 troops of the Japanese Thirty-Second army. By the end of the campain, Japan lost more than 77,000 troops. Both sides lost a lot of soldiers and civilians, and most of them eiher got wounded or went missing.
  • VE-Day

    ve dayOn May 8, 1945, both America and Great Britain celebrated Victoy in Europe Day. On that day, German troops finally laid down their weapons. About 1 million Germans attempted a mass exodus to the West were the fighting in Czechoslovskia ended. Russians took about 2 million prisoners after Germany surrendered. More than 13,000 troops were send back to the Great Britain.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation of Concentration Camps
    liberationGermans made concentration camps for all the Jews they captured. The Soviet liberation Aushwitz, the largest killing center and concentration camp in January, 1945
  • Potsdam Declaraton

    Potsdam Declaraton
    Potsdam declarationThe Potsdam Declaration are the terms and conditions for Japanese surrender. It states what they can and cannot do or what they must do.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    dropping of the atomic bombsAmerica became the first country to use atomic bomb during wartime, and it bombed the Japanese city of Hiroshina. The bomb killed 80,000 people and tens and thousands more died the following weeks from wounds and radiations posianings. Then three days laer another bomb was droped on Japan. the sencond bomb began the Cold War.
  • VJ-Day

    vj dayOn August 14,1945, Japan surrendred to the Allies. That day became known as the "Victoryover Japan Day",