World war ll

World War ll - Jasenia green

  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    Paris started to get ready for war after the german invasion of Polland in September 1939. Even though the war seemed far away until May 10, 1940. Germans attacked France and quickly defeated them. The french government departed Paris. After Paris was governed by the german military.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Blitzkrieg means "lighting war" in german. It was a military strategy. The blitzkrieg describes the successful tactics by the Nazi Germany. German forces swept through Norway, Holland, Poland, France, and Belgium.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii. It was attacked by Japanese forces. Japanese fighter planes descended on the base and destroyed/damage almost 20 American naval vessels and many more. More than 2,400 Americans died that day and 1,000 people were wounded.
  • Wannsee conference

    Wannsee conference
    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of Nazi officials in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to plan the "final solution".It was held six months later. It marked a turning point in nazi policy towards Jews. To deport all of Europes Jews to the island of Madagascar, off of Africa. The idea was abandoned as impractical in wartime. Instead the new plan was to round up all the Jews and transport them eastward and organizing them into labour gangs.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Battle of midway was a clash between the U.S. Navy and imperial Japanese Navy. It happened six month after the attack of Pearl Harbor. The U.S. navy won in the the air-sea battle. It turned the tide of World war ll in the Pacific.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle of Stalingrad was a brutal military campaign between Russian forces and Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. It is known as one of the largest and bloodiest engagements in warfare. Almost two million people were killed or injured during the fighting.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    The British 8th army begins to invaded the Italian peninsula crossing the strait of Messina from Sicliy and landing on the "toe" of Italy which is Calabria. On the day of the landing, The Italian government secretly surrendered and agreed to the allies terms. The opposition groups in Italy were uniting to overthrow and make peace, but a Strong german leader threatened to resist any action of peace. On July 10, 1943 the allies began their invasion. (
  • D-day

    The allied forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. They had a big force with over 150,000 soldiers. They attacked and gained victory, it became a turning point for World War ll in Europe.
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    The battle of Bulge was an unsuccessful attempt to push allies back from German territory. The "bulge" part refers to the wedge that Germans drove into the Allied lines. There was Permitted air attacks on German forces and supply lines, which sealed the failure of the offensive, during the winter.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    The Soviet army advanced from the east, the Nazis transported prisoners away from Germany. Some prisoners were taken to concentration camps by train and some were forced to march to them during the freezing cold with no proper winter clothes.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The battle of Iwo Jima was between Japan and the United states. It took place on Japanese homeland, the island of Iwo Jima. The battle went on for 36 days, the Japanese had secret tunnels and after brutal fighting the U.S. finally secured the island and placed a flag at the top of Mount Suribachi.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The battle of Okinawa was also known as "Operation iceberg". U.S. ground began the battle. The objective was to secure the island and removing the last barrier standing between U.S. forces and Japan. It was one of the largest causalities.
  • VE day

    VE day
    VE day was the day the allies celebrated the defeat of the Nazi Germany and the end of Adolf Hitler. near the end of the World War ll.,(Victory%20in%20Europe)%20Day.
  • Dropping of atomic bombs

    Dropping of atomic bombs
    The united stated became the first and only nation to use atomic weaponry during war. The United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima.,and%20another%2035%2C000%20are%20injured.
  • V-J day

    V-J day
    V-J day stands for "Victory over Japan day", which marks the end of World War ll. World War ll was one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in history. President Harry S. Truman announced Japan had surrendered and the world celebrated.,the%20world%20erupted%20in%20celebration.