Period: to
German Blitzkrieg
German Blitzkrieg also known as lightning war, was an operating concept develpoed as a solution to the trench warefareof WWI. these tactics overwhelmed Poland, then after a pause crushed Demark, Norway, and other lower countries. Large formations moving on tracks and wheels, directed by ratios, could rupture an enemy's front and so disorganize it's rear that countermeasures would be paralyzed. -
Period: to
liberation of concentration camps
Adolf Hitler was determined to not only isolate Jews but to subject them to dehumanizing regulations and random acts of viloence. This was solved by eliminating every jew, artist, educator, gypsy, communist, homosexual, metally or physically handicapped people and many more. These acts were all commited to ensure the survival for Nazi germany. -
Japanses invasion of China
The Japanese invasion of china happened due to the Marco Polo Bridge incident that was made into a full out war. The Japanese wanted to take control of the vast chinese market, they wanted control becasue of the minerals and agricultural resources available. By 1940 , the war decended into a stalemate, the Japanese were unable to force victory, and the Chinese could not evict the Japanese from the territory they had concured. -
Rape of Nanking
in december of 1937, the Japamese imperial army marche into Nanking, China's capital and procceded to murder 300,000 peeople out of a population of 600,000. The rapr of Nanking was precede by a battle at Shanghai. China's stubborn resistance, led to the Japanese angry and looking for revenge. Revenge known as the Rape of Nanking. there are no official numbers fro the dealth toll, some estimated a range from 200,00 to 300,00 innocent victims died. Mtsui ws tried and convicted for the murders. -
Germany's Invasionof Poland
Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. the Polish army was defeated within weeks of the ivasion. After heavy shelling and bombing, Warsaw surrendered to the Germans a few weeks later. The oviet Union invaded Eastern Poland on Septmeber 17, 1939. The demarcation line for the Partion of Germany- and Soviet Union occupied Poland was along the Bug River. Nazi Germany occupied the remainder of Poland when it surrendered to the Soviet Union. -
Fall of Paris
Europe had been at war for nine months, the Germans plan of attack known as case yellow entailed an amound offensive though the Adennes forest. Which bypassed the strong french defense. the advance would then threaten to encircle the french and British divisions to the north, stationed on the Belgian front. -
Pearl Harbor
The plan was to estroy the Pacific Fleet. That way, the American would not be able to fight back, as Japan's armed forces spread across the South Pacific. This attack crippled nearly 20 American ships, and more than 300 airplanes. 2,500 men were killed and more than 1,00 men were injured. This attcked also woke the sleeping giant. -
Bataan Death March
The surrendered Filipinos and Americans soon were rounded up by the Japanese and forced to march some 65 miles. the exact figures are unknown, but it is belived that thousands of troops died because of the brutality of their captors, who starved and beat their marchers and batooned those too weak to walk. -
Battle of Midway
thanks to major advances in code breaking, the United States was able to preempt and counter japan's planned ambush of it's few remaining aircraft carriers, inficting permentant damage on the japanese navy. An important turning point in the Pacfic campaign, the victory allowed the united States and it's allies to an offensive position. -
Battle Of Stailngrad
Russians consider it to be the greatest battle of their great patriotic war, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict. It stopped the german advance into the Soviet union. This battle was one of the bloodiest battles in history with combined military and civilian casualtiies of nearly two million -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Reseidents of the jewish Ghetto, staged an armed revolt agasinst deportation to extermination camps. An estimated 55,000 to 600,000 Jews remainded. An estimated 7,00 Jews perished during the uprising while nearly 50,000 who survived were sent to extermination or labor camps. it is belived theat the Germans lost severl hundred men during the uprising. -
Allied invasion of Italy
Montgomery began the Allied invasion of the Italian penisula, crossing the Strait of messina from Sicily and landing at the toe of italy. On the day of the landing, the italian government secretly agreed to the Allied terms for surrender, but no public announcment was made until september 8th. -
D- Day
Some 156,00 American British, and Canadian forces landed of five beaches along a 50 mile stretch of the heavily forified coast of France Normandy region. all of Northern France had been liberated and by the folowing spring the Allies had been defeated by the Germans. The normandy landings have been called the beginning of the end of the war in Europe. -
battle of the Bulge
adolf Hitler attempted to split Allied Armies in Northwest Europe by means of a blitzkrieg. As germans drove deeper into the Adennes to secure vital bridgeheads, they took apperance of a large bulge. The Third army to Bagstone proved Vital to the Allied defence leading to a neutralization. -
Operation Thunderclap
The propasal was to bob the eastern most cities of Germany to disrupt the transport infastructure behind the Eastern front. At Yalta Chirchill had promissed to suppoort the Soviet Forces moving west into Germany, and the priority for thiinderclap moved the timetable of bombing. -
Iwo Jima
The american Amphibious invsion of Iwo Jima stemmed from the need for a base near Japanses coast. Iwo Jima was defeated by roughly 23,00 Japanses army and navy troops. despit the difficalt conditions, the Marines wiped out the defending forces after a month of fighting and the battle earned a place of American lore with the publication of a photograph showung the US flag being raised. -
VE day
Both Great Britian and the United states celebrate victory in Europe day. Cities both nation , as well as ormerly occupied cities in westrn Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeat of the nazi war machine. -
battle of Okinawa
The last and biggest of the pacific island battles, the Okinawa involved the 287,00 troops of the US tenth Army against the 130,00 soldiers of the japanses thity secong army. By the end of the 82 day, Japan had lost more than 77,00 soldiers and the allied forces had suffered more than 65,000 deaths. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
A US B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanses city of Hiroshima, instantly killing 80,000 people. Three days later following the first attack a second bomb was dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, instantly killing another 40,00 people. This remains the only nuclear attack in history. n the following months, roughly 100,00 people died a sloe horrendous death, from radiation poisioning. -
VJ day
It was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the allies,