Japanese Invasion of China
Japanese invaded China in 1937 to increase their power of Asia, they also invaded because of the Chinese resources they wanted plus the fact they realized how weak china is. -
Germany's Invasion of Poland
Germany invaded Poland to truly start WWII, Hitler wanted it for "living space" for the German people -
German Blitzkrieg
A war tactic that was quick and easy and steady which resulted in the Germans eventually taking over France -
Operation Barbarossa
A plan for Germany to invade the Soviet Union in the middle of winter which was quite unsuccessful -
Pearl Harbor
A sneak attack on the United States formed by Japan on a naval base on the Pacific Island of Oahu Hawaii -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
An attempt to liberate the French by allied troops, it worked after two months, France got liberated on August 25th 1944 -
Battle of the Bulge
An Allie own battle against the Germans who were trying to do another blitzkrieg -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
The Soviet Union liberated the worst concentration the Germans had in at this time, also known as Auschwitz -
Battle of Okinawa
A battle in which the Japanese fought harder then they have ever fought before to save their homeland from the Americans that are to close for comfort however the Japanese still lose. -
VE Day
A day in recognition of when the allies officially beat the central powers in WWII -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
For the United States to end the war in the pacific once and for all and to get revenge for Pearl Harbor. -
VJ Day
A day in recognition of when they Japanese surrendered to the US after being atomic bombed.