Japanese Invasion of China
BBC - History Japan invaded Asia and placed a brutal attack on China. The US had to put sanctions on Japan to force them to take their troops out of China. This happened because Japan wanted to expand into East Asia. Effects: Japan signed Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy. Japan was decided to attack the United States, because of the sanctions we put on them and they wanted to become the dominant power in the Pacific. -
German Invasion of Poland
https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005137Germany and the Soviet Union invaded of Poland and this was the spark that started World War II. Poland was divided between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. This occurred because Germany wanted to expand its power and begin taking over the world. Effects: Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3. -
German Blitzkrieg
History.comGerman term for "lightning war." This is used to create disorganization among the enemy if successful. Germany would not win direct combat so they had to develop a strategy to win. Effects: Very successful in helping Germany win battles throughout World War II -
Operation Barbarossa
History.comThis was Germany's attempt to invade the Soviet Union. Nazi Germany wanted to be take out the Soviet Union and wanted to prevent a two-front war. Effects: It was a failure and forced Germany to fight a two-front war. -
Pearl Harbor
History.comJapan attacked Pearl Harbor to cripple the US Navy, The attack lasted nearly 2 hours. Japan wanted to be the power in the Pacific, so they chose to attack the US. Effects: About 20 American vessels, including 8 large battleships, and over 300 airplanes were destroyed. 2,000 American soldiers died. The day after this we declared war on Japan. -
Wannsee Conference
History.comThis was a meeting of Nazi officials to discuss the details of the "Final Solution" of the "Jewish question." It was held to decide what they would do with the Jews. Effects: The "gas vans" were brought around and would kill up to 1,000 people a day. -
Battle of Midway
History.comThe Battle of Midway was a decisive naval battle in which the US defeated Japan. Japan tried to ambush some of the last US aircraft carriers and the US countered the ambush. Effects: Allowed for major advances in code breaking and the Allied powers were able to move into an offensive position. Permanently damaged the Japanese Navy. -
Operation Gomorrah
History.comOperation in which British bomber raid Hamburg, Germany. Britain suffered the death of 167 civilians as result of German bombings. So now Britain was going to seek revenge. Effects: More than 1,500 German civilians died and a new technology called "Windows" was used to confuse German radars. -
Allied Invasion of Italy
History.comAfter defeating Italy and Germany in their attempt to take over North Africa. US and Britain forces moved into Italy. As they began to invade Europe. It happened because they wanted to make moves towards taking out the German and Italian forces and it was considered "the soft underbelly of Europe." Effects: Allowed the US and Britain easier access to taking down the Axis powers. -
D-Day [Normandy Invasion]
BBC- HistoryBattle in which 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces. They landed on five beaches which spanned across 50 miles. This was along the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region. It occurred because it helped the Allies gain access to the Axis powers land. Effects: Major victory in helping the Allied powers defeat the Germans. D-Day is considered the beginning of the end of war in Europe. -
Battle of the Bulge
BBCThis was the most deadly battle in US history. Germany's last attempt to survive so they throw everything they can into this battle. The Allied powers were moving in on Germany and Germany launched everything into this battle. Effects: Most expensive battle for the US Army as there was over 100,000 casualties. -
Operation Thunderclap
History.comFirebombing raids against Dresden. Killed around 135,000 people. Most destructive bombing in war. This happened as a way to make Germany surrender. Effects: Germany was devastated and this pushed them over the edge by surrendering. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
BBCThree US marine divisions landed in Iwo Jima which was defended by about 23,000 Japanese soldiers. The US needed a base near the Japanese coast so they began this battle. Effects: Gave the US a base near the Japanese coast and this allowed the US easier access to Japan. -
Battle of Okinawa
BBC287,000 American troops and 130,000 Japanese troops were involved over the fight for vital air bases which would help the US invade Japan. These were key positions to obtain if the US wanted to invade Japan. Effects: The US won which allowed them access to Japan. -
Liberation of the Camps
BBCThe Soviet Army came across the horrors of the extermination camps and soon Auschwitz. The German regime had created six sites containing gas chambers and large creamtoria, with the large purpose of a mass genocide of Jews. Once people found out what was happening and the brutality of it all, they decided to liberate the camps. Effects: There were no more extermination camps in place. Of the 6 million total Jewish deaths during the Holocaust, over 3 million of them occurred in these six camps. -
Victory in Europe Day [VE Day]
BBCGermany surrendered and the following day was celebrated at VE Day. The return bombs in Dresden completely ruined the city and the Russians beat them out. Hitler killed himself, days after the killing of Mussolini, forcing them to surrender. Effects: The war in Europe was over. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
History.comAn atomic bomb on Hiroshima wiped out 90% of the city, killed 80,000 people immediately, and thousand more from radiation. When dropped on Nagasaki killed 40,000. This happned because the US had to decide if ground invasion of Japan was worth casualties. We did not want to lose anymore troops so we dropped the atomic bombs. Effects: Known as "A new and most cruel bomb." Forced Japan to surrender. -
Victory over Japan [VJ Day]
BBCJapan surrendered to the Allies, and this ended World War II officially. Japan was devastated after the dropping of the Atomic bombs and were forced to surrender. Effects: This day is known as Victory over Japan Day.