Japanese invasion of China
China, Invasion of (1931, 1937–1945)After World war one the Japanese were desperate. They were running out of resources, which affected their econimic stability. Being the imperialistic counrty Japan was, it was decided that invading China would benefit the country. Through this, the Japanese hoped to gain resources and more geopolitical power. Japan quickly gained control over the three provinces of China, known as Manchuria. This would lead them, as well as China, entering World War II. -
Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking 1937-1938The Rape of Nanking would come to be known as the single worst atrocity in the World War II era. It began with a battle at Shanghai, in which the Chinese were able to resist the Japanese for a few months, In the fall, however, the Japanese were finally able to defeat the troops. They killed all the prinsoners of war, who had surrendered. After killing them off, the soldiers turned their attention to the women of Nanking. All were sexually abused, reguardless of age. -
Germany's Invasion of Poland
Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939The Germans and the Soviets make a pact to partition up Poland when it is taken over. Soon after, the Germans go to Warsaw, Poland and attack. They use both land and airial attacks. Within only weeks of invasion, the Polish army falls to the Germans. The Soviets invaded Poland about two weeks followung the attack. Great Britain and France declare war on Germany two days after the attack. -
German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg German blitzkrieg was developed as a solution to trench warfare. As previously discussed, the strategy of bliztkreig was used against polang in 1939, which ended up with Britain and France declaring war on Germany. However, the Germans didn't stop there. They continued their lightning war on other regions, including Scandinavia. On May, 1940, they targeted the low countries: Holland, Belgium, and Luxemberg. One month later, Hitler targeted France, Great Britain's ally. -
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa Operation Barbarossa was Hilter's plan to attack the Soviet Union. Previously discussed, the Germans made a pact with the Soviet Union, stating that both would remain neutral to one another. Howevr, on June 22nd, 1941, the German army has a massive surpirse attack on the USSR. Hitler had a lot of activity planned in the North, to obtain Moscow. In the South, he wanted to occupy Ukraine. Although the Soviet Union had a large army, they were crushed under the tactics of the Germans. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor The Japanese had a surprise attack on the United States on December 7, 1941. The reason they did so was because they wanted to expand their country across the pacific ocean, but the United States stood in its way. They aggressively attacked Pearl Harbor, located in Hawaii on that day, killing 2,400 Americans and damaging or destroying ships and air crafts. This led the US to abandon its policy of isolationalism. The US was now part of WW2. -
Wannsee Conference
Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution" The Germans had a lingering question for a while; that of the Jewish people. They met up in a meeting to discuss what would be known as the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question". The answer to that would be, total physical annihilation of the Jewish poeple. In the metting, the generals taking part had already known of the mass murder that had taken place in Soviet Russia. They did not ask if they were going to do this, but how. -
Bataan Death March
The Bataan Death March, 1942On April 9th, after fighting the Japanese forces in the Philippines, the American and Filipino soldiers surrendered. Many of the remaining soldiers were killed or left to die because of the horrendous conditions that the Japanese forced them to live in. When three American soldiers escaped, the world learned of the atrocities that the Japanese were committing. This became known as the Bataan Death March. -
The Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway, 1942 Six months after Pear Harbor, the Americans had a breakthrough win. They discovered thet the Japanese were planning to attack Hawaii in order to extend their defensive perimeter. They brough a massive amount of backup, whereas the Americans has little of it. However, because the Japanese focus on water attacks, the Americans strategically used air attacks to destroy Jthe Japanese aircraft carriers. It was successful. -
Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah: Firebombing of Hamburg Operation Gomrrah was the bombing of a German port city, Hamburg. Winston Chruchill, the British Prime Minister and Air Cheif Marshal Aurthur Harris both came up with the plan. It was to weaken Nazi leadership. Millions were left homeless andabout 50,000 civilians were killed in the bombing. The city's power plant was destroyed, and a firestorm was ignited. This would be one of the most atrocious acts committed by the allies in the war. -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Warsaw Ghetto UprisingFrom July 22nd to September 12th, the Jewish armed forces attempted to stay within the Ghettos, in order to not be deported. These groups were known as the Jewish Combat Organization, and the Jewish Military Organization. Together, there were only about 750-800 members. During their first uprising, they were able to drive the Germans out of the Ghettos. However, this didn't last very long, as the German army soon strategically defeated them. This inspired other uprisings throughout Europe. -
World War II: D-Day - The Invasion of NormandySince 1943 the Allied forced planned D-Day. This would include Great Britain, America and Canada. The plan was basically to invade Germany. Canda was to invade the beaches in the east alongside Great Britain, whereas America had to invade the beaches of the west. The plan was dubbed Operation Overlord. It began with pre-invasion bombing. In the west, not all German fortifications were destroyed, so it made it harder for Americans to accomplish all of their objectives. -
Battle of the Bulge
Overview of the BattleThe Battle of the Bulge would come to be known as the greatest American victory in all of the wars it has ever been in. Considering the circumstances given, that could be accounted for. The Germans had a plan to divide the allied forces, as they had done in 1940. They brough several thousand troops, and even had some english speaking Germans hidden within American troops. There was a massacre.General Eisenhower rushed in reinforcements to assist. Within days the tides had turned, -
Operation Thunderclap
OPERATION THUNDERCLAP - THE BLITZ ON DRESDEN Operation Thunderclap is a controversial topic in the history of World War 2. It's main purpose was to help push for the end of the war by breaking the German morale. On a German boarders, Allie bombers bombed cities, one of which was Dresden. Millions of innocent civilians were killed. To this day, the question of whether Air Marshal Harris, the leader of this operation, is a hero or murderer continues. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
World War II: Battle of Iwo JimaThe Battle of Iwo Jima took place on an Island in Japan- Iwo Jima. It had a relatively small amount of Japanese soldiers inhabiting it, so the Americans didn't believe it would take very long to take over the island. That was not tha case however, as it took about 74 days. American soldiers were bombing the island, however, that Japanese had built a complex system of tunnels underground, so the bombing would prove usless. On March 16 the island was declared secure. -
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of OkinawaThe reason the Battle of Okinawa took place was because the Allied Forces needed a base near Japan to be used for air operations. Okinawa was their choice. The battle would become a bloody one, to which the Japanese would pay the heaviest price. General Ushijima was in charge of defending the island. The fighting took place ashore, but once on the island, Greiger and Hodge's mean were able to quickly secure the south-centreal part of the island. The Allied Forces gained more airfields. -
VE Day
Victory in EurpoeThis was the Victory in Europe day. All thoughout Eurpoe, German troops laid down their arms and surrendered. One million Germans tried to leave Czechslovakia at once, but they were stopped by Russian forces and taken prisoners. More than 1,300 British prisoners of war were released back to Britain. The world rejoiced at the end of the second world war. -
Liberation of the Concentration Camps
Liberation of Nazi CampsIn July, 1944, the Soviets were approaching a major Nazi camp in Poland. The Germans attempted to hide the evidence by trying to destroy the camps on a hurry. Months later, the Soviets freed Aushwitz, the largest killing center in Germany. In the following moths, the Americans and British were able to free several other camps in Germany. Most prisoners were killed off by that time, or died in the following weeks of liberation. The world became aware of the horrible acts of Nazi Germany. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
Atomic Bomb-Truman Press Release-August 6, 1945Fighting between the Japanese and the United States continued even after the conclusion of World War 2. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was the only reason the Americans continued to fight, and they would not stop until they win the war. President Truman proposed the Potsdam Declaration, ordering the Japanese to surrender. When they didn't, the United States decided to crush their morale, as the Allies had done with Germany. On August 6th, they bombed the city of Hiroshima. Nagasaki was next. -
VJ Day
VJ DayThis was Victory over Japan day. On August 15th, the Japanese finally agreed to surrender unconditionally to the United States. In the UK, US and Austrailia, a two-day holiday was celebrated. This was no holiday for the Japanese, however. The scars that remained after the bombing would be embedded in Japanese resentment for years to come.