World War II Events

  • Period: to


  • Grandpa Gail Langenfeld is born

  • Germany Enters Paris

    Germany Enters Paris
    On this date the German Army enters Paris, France.
  • The Tomb of Pharoh Psusennes is found

    The Tomb of Pharoh Psusennes is found
    On this date famous archeologist Pierre Monet found the tomb of the famous Pharoh Psuennes. Psuennes was the third king of the twenty-first dynasty of Egypt. The name Psuennes means, "the star appearing in the city".
  • Color Television

    Color Television
    Peter Goldmouth invented the color TV on this day and revolutionized entertainment
  • Cave Paintings Found in France

    Cave Paintings Found in France
    On this day, the entrance to the famous set of cave paintings was discovered by 18 year old Marcel Ravidat. The area where the paintings were found is called Lascaux. Lascaux contains almost 2,000 figures. The cave was open to the public in 1948.
  • The Movie "The Letter," starring Bette Davis is Released

    The Movie "The Letter," starring Bette Davis is Released
    On this date the movie "The Letter" is released. Bette Davis stars as Lesile Crosbie in this movie and is widely considered her best movie. From this movie she won an Academy Award for Best Actress.
  • Bears beat Redskins 73-0 in the Super Bowl

    Bears beat Redskins 73-0 in the Super Bowl
    On this date the Chicago Bears beat the Washington Redskins 73-0 setting the record for the most lopsided victory in NFL history, which still stands today. This all happened after the Redskins coach called the Bears crybabies and quitters when the going got tough.
  • Invention of Electronic Digital Computer

    Invention of Electronic Digital Computer
    This is the date when the electronic digital computer was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
  • Invention of Jeep

    Invention of Jeep
    This date was the first time any publication of the Jeep came out. The Jeep was invented by Karl Pabst The Jeep was an off road veichle very crucial to America's war effort. Some say they wouldn't have won the war without it.
  • Mount Rushmore Completed

    Mount Rushmore Completed
    On this date the National Monument Mount Rushmore was completed. This monument had the faces of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Teddy Rossevelt carved into the side of a mountain.
  • Joe Dimaggio is Named AL MVP

    Joe Dimaggio is Named AL MVP
    On this date Joe Dimaggio named the American League MVP for the second time. Dimaggio definitely earned this award with a stunning career with a 56-game hitting streak and .406 batting average.
  • Penicillin is First Used on a Patient

    Penicillin is First Used on a Patient
    On this date penicillin is used on a patient for the first time. This antibiotic is used to help fight infection.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On this date Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, a naval base in Hawaii. This was the event that forced the US into the war.
  • Germany Declares War on US

    Germany Declares War on US
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on the US
  • Song "White Christmas" is Aired on Radio fpr First Time

    Song "White Christmas" is Aired on Radio fpr First Time
    On this date, what is widely Bing Crosby's most famous song was played on the radio for the first time. "White Christmas" is still played today, and is definitely a Christmas classic. Bing Crosby is still considered one of America's most talented crooners.
  • World Cup is Cancelled

    World Cup is Cancelled
    On this day, the World Cup was cancelled due to World War II. The cancellation was a devastation to soccer fans around the world.
  • The Book "The Stranger" is Released

    The Book "The Stranger" is Released
    On this day the book "The Stranger" was released. Albert Camus wrote this book and many others, including "The Myth of Sisyphus," and "The Rebel." Camus was also a Nobel Prize winner for literature and a Philospher.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This date was the start of the most important naval battle in the war and only lasted three days. The United States came out on top and this win is sometimes considered as payback for The US's devastating losses at Pearl Harbor
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    On this date millions of German troops headed into Russia. Millions were killed and the Germans made huge advances, but in the end they surrendered.
  • Invention of the Turboprop Engine

    Invention of the Turboprop Engine
    On this date, the turboprop engine was invented by György Jendrassik. This engine is attatched to a propeller of an airplane and makes the propeller move fast
  • Calvin Klein is Born

    Calvin Klein is Born
    On this date a very famous fashion designer was born, Calvin Klein. Clavin Klein was born in the Bronx in New York City. His company now sells clothing, jewlery, perfume, and much more. He is considered a very respected fashion designer.
  • Invention of Neutronic Reactor

    Invention of Neutronic Reactor
    Enrico Fermi invented the neutronic reactor on this date. The neutronic reactor is newer, faster tyoe of nuclear reactor.
  • US Supreme Court Rules on Williams v. North Carolina

    US Supreme Court Rules on Williams v. North Carolina
    On this day, the supreme court ruled that Nevada divorces are valid throughout the US. As a result of this ruling, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Hendrix were sentenced with years in prison.
  • Invention of Aqualung

    Invention of Aqualung
    On this day, the aqualung was invented in Paris, France by Emile Gagnan. This machine allows you to breath under water and revolutionized under water exploration.
  • Movie "Casablanca" is Released Starring Humphrey Bogart

    Movie "Casablanca" is Released Starring Humphrey Bogart
    On this date the movie "Casablanca" is released. In it, Humphrey Bogart stars as Rich Blaine. Bogart was nominated for Academy Award for best actor from this movie.
  • Invention of Synthetic Rubber

    Invention of Synthetic Rubber
    On this date, syn thetic rubber was invented. This stretchy new property opened up doors to so many new options in manufacturing.
  • Invention of Kidney Dialysis Machine

    Invention of Kidney Dialysis Machine
    On this date, Willem Kolf invented the Kidney Dialysis machine. this machine helped doctors treat patients with kidney disease.
  • Grandma Pauline Hobart Langenfeld is Born

  • Grandma Pauline's Family Moves to a Farm

    On this day my Grandma and her family moved to a farm in Iowa.
  • Invention of Silly Putty

    Invention of Silly Putty
    On this day, James Wright invented silly putty, a fun stretchable substance that was invented by accident
  • Otto Stern Recieves Nobel Prize in Physics

    Otto Stern Recieves Nobel Prize in Physics
    On this day, Otto Stern recieves the Nobel Prize in Physics. Stern was born on February 17, 1888 in Silesia, Germany. He is best known for his progress with the molecular beam method.
  • Book "The Fountainhead" is Published

    Book "The Fountainhead" is Published
    On this date the very famous book, "The Fountainhead" was published. The book's author was Ayn Rand, a writer, philosipher, screenwright, and playwright. in fact, Rand came up with her own philosiphical system called Objectivism. Rand is also famous for writing the book "Atlas Shrugged"
  • Olympics is Cancelled

    Olympics is Cancelled
    On this date the Summer Olympics were cancelled because of the war. This was a similair situation to the world cup in 1942, because many fans and athletes around the world were devastated
  • D-Day

    On this day, Eisenhower led troops into Normandy, France and made very big advancements toward Germany. This battle is widely considered the turning point in the war and one of the final steps to victory for the Allies.
  • My Dad's Uncle Dies

    On this day my dad's Uncle Frank dies.
  • Allies Liberate Paris

    Allies Liberate Paris
    On this date America liberated Paris which had been occupied by Nazi Germany.
  • Grandpa Jim Departs for France to Fight on the Line

    On this date my Mom's father left the US to fight in France on the front line for the US
  • Grandpa Jim is Critically Injured by Mortar Shell

    On this date my grandpa jumped into a fox hole and was critically injured by a mortar shell that exploded near him.
  • Otto Hahn Recieves Nobel Prize in Chemistry

    Otto Hahn Recieves Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    On this date Otto Hahn recieved the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. His biggest breakthrough that most likely won him the award was his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei.
  • Telegram sent to my Grandpa Jim's Parents Saying he was MIA

    On this date, a telegram was sent home to my great-grandparents syaing that their son was missing in action.
  • Movie "To Have and Have Not" Released Starring Lauren Bacall

    Movie "To Have and Have Not" Released Starring Lauren Bacall
    On this date, the movie "To Have and Have Not" was released. For this movie, Lauren Bacall stars as Marie Browning. Bacall was also involved in Broadway as well as Hollywood.
  • Soviets Liberate Auschwitz

    Soviets Liberate Auschwitz
    On this date the Soviets liberated Auschwitz, one of the biggest concentration camps where millions of people were murdered.
  • Grandma Mary Coyle Whalen Starts to work at a VA hospital

    My grandma starts to work a hospital to help wounded soldiers.
  • Invention of Atomic Bomb

    Invention of Atomic Bomb
    While Albert Einstein did not directly invent the atomic bomb, his research was instrumental in its development.
  • Kansas City Monarchs Hold First Practice with Jackie Robinson

    Kansas City Monarchs Hold First Practice with Jackie Robinson
    On this date, one of the best baseball players ever started his baseball career. This is a historical moment, because not only was this the start of his insparational career, but it was after he hurt his ankle in the war. Robinson went on to be the first African American to play Major League Baseball and the first African American to inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • Grandpa Jim meets President Truman

    On this day President Truman comes to visit my grandpa and other injured soldiers in the hospital. He even offered to take my grandpa to a baseball game.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    On this date, Adolf Hitler commited suicide. This action lead the Germans to surrender.
  • The Official End Date of the War

    The Official End Date of the War
    Even though Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945 and Japan surrendered September 2nd 1945, on this date the official paperwork to end the war was signed.
  • Chalk River is Built

    Chalk River is Built
    Chalk River is a nuclear power plant in Ontario, Canada. What makes it so significant is that it is the first nuclear power plant outside of America.
  • Grandpa Jim is released from Hospital

    On this date, Grandpa Jim was released from Newton D. Baker Army Hospital in Martinsburg, West Virginia.