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History of Health Care

  • Jan 1, 1489

    Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci dissected human bodies and made the first anatomical drawings

    these helped in understanding the organs and systems of the human body
  • Anton Von Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope

    not exact date
  • Willian Harvey described the circulation of blood and the pumping of the heart

    not exact date
  • Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals and found that colds could be passed from person to person

  • Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox

    Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox
    not the exact date
  • Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope

    not exact date
  • Ignaz Semmelweiss identified the cause of maternal infections and instituted hand washing

    medical students would deliver babies after coming from the cadaver lab without washing their hands
    this caused the deaths of many babies and mothers
  • Elizabeth Blackwell became the first women to qualify as a doctor

  • Florence Nightingale started the first nursing school

    during the Crimean War
    nursing became an honorable profession
  • Joseph Lister was the first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection in the incision

    not exact date
  • Clara Barton established the American Red Cross

    "Angel of the Battle Feild"
    not exact date
  • Louis Pasteur discovered rabies vaccine.

    he proved that microorganisms caused disease
    he also discovered that heating milk prevented the growth of bacteria (pasteurization)
  • Wilhelm Roenntgen discovered x-rays

    This discovery allowed doctors to see inside the body and discover what was wrong with the patient.
  • Sigmund Freud studied the effects of the unconscious mind on the body

    determined the mind and body work together
    his studies were the basis of psychology and psychiatry
    not exact date
  • First Bronchoscopy

    First Bronchoscopy
    Advances in scope surgery began early on. The avantage of this new technique is that there is no need to make a large incision. In 1987 German Gustav Killian performed the first bronchoscopy. (not exact date)
  • Typhoid Mary discovered to be carrier of Typhoid Fever

    Typhoid Mary discovered to be carrier of Typhoid Fever
    Typhoid Mary was the first healthy carrier of Typhoid Fever in the United states and she was first contacted by a Health Inspector in 1907 and discovered to be a carrier of the fever. (not exact date)
  • Marie Curie Isolated Radium

    Marie Curie Isolated Radium
    Isolated Radium
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I begins July 28, 1914 and ends November 11, 1918.
  • Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin

    penicillin was the first antibiotic
    one of the most important discoveries in the twentieth century
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression began in 1929 and ended in the early 1940s. It was caused by a stock market crash and affected economies world wide for several years. (not exact date)
  • Hindenburg Disaster

    Hindenburg Disaster
    On May 6th, 1937 the Hindenburg attempted to land and was cuaght up in flames.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II begins Semptember 1st, 1939 and ends September 2nd, 1945.
  • Car Seatbelts Introduced

    Car Seatbelts Introduced
    (not exact date)
  • Jonas Salk discovered an altered polio vaccine

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war begins November 1st, 1955 and ends April 30th, 1975.
  • Albert Sabin created an oral polio vaccine

    more effective than Salk's vaccine
    not exact date
  • Christian Barnard performed the world's first heart transplant surgery

    not exact date
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
    On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. He was known as a spokes person for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong and he landed there on July 20, 1969 with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.
  • Microsurgeries

    Microsurgery is surgery on a minute body structures or cells performed with teh aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator. The first advanced microsurgery was performed by Professor Owen in 1970. (not exact date)
  • Gene Therapy

    Gene Therapy
    Gene Therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to treat a disease, and hereditary diseases in particular. It was first used in 1972. (Not exact date)
  • First Test Tube Baby

    First Test Tube Baby
    Louise Brown was born in Great Britain in 1978 and was the first test tube baby. (not exact date)
  • AIDS and HIV identified.

    AIDS and HIV identified.
    (not exact date)
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster happened on April 26, 1986, in Chernobyl Ukraine. It was a large environmental disaster and caused a huge spread of radiation. 31 died after the explosion but thousands others are expected to die from the same cause later on.
  • Challenger Space Shuttle Explodes

    Challenger Space Shuttle Explodes
    (not exact date)
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
  • Gene Mapping

    Gene Mapping
    Gene mapping refers to the mapping of genese to specific locations on chromosomes. It is a critical step in the understanding of genetic diseases. The Human Genome Project was first started in 1990 by Ari Patrinos. (not exact date)
  • Tissue Cloning

    Tissue Cloning
    Tissue Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an Original. Dolly the Sheep was cloned July 5th, 1996.
  • Gregory Mendel established the patterns of heredity

    Gregory Mendel established the patterns of heredity
  • Rodert Koch discovered many disease-causing organisms

    he discovered anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera
    became the "Father of Microbiology"