
Early America

  • Mar 15, 1040

    When Leif Erickson Died

    When Leif Erickson Died
  • Oct 14, 1451

    Christopher Columbus Birthday

    Christopher Columbus Birthday
    Chistopher Columbus was born in Geroa Italy. He was born on presidents day in Italy.
  • Feb 18, 1492

    When Columbus Sailed

    The exact date is unknown. Columbus "discovered" America.
  • May 14, 1519

    Ferdinan Magellan

    Ferdinan Magellan
    Magellan went all around the world from 1519-1522. THE EXACT DATE IS UNKNOWN. Magellan found safe routs around the world.
  • The First Voyage To Roanoke Island

    The First Voyage To Roanoke Island
    When the ship landed at Roanoke Island the people got off and built a village. Then the ship went back and couldn't come back for awhile. Then when the ship came back the village and the people were gane. It was like they had never came there. The people tried to settle to America but failed
  • When John Rolfe Was Born

    When John Rolfe Was Born
    John Rolfe was a popular tobacco grower. He grew sweet tobacco.
  • Jamestown

    Exact date unknown. Jamestown is the birthplce of Virginia.
  • The Year The First Boat Of Slaves Came

    The Year The First Boat Of Slaves Came
    The slaves were forced to have children, get married, ect. People had slaves so they didn't have to do their dayly chores. The exact date is unknown. The slaves were here from the begining.
  • When The Mayflower Arived

    When The Mayflower Arived
    Pilgrams were on the Mayflower. Some came to practice their religion. And others came to start a new life. They landed on Plymouth. The Pilgrams came to rule themselves.
  • When John Rolfe Died

    When John Rolfe Died
    THE EXACT DATE OF HIS DEATH IS UNKNOWN. John Rolfe brought tobacco to Jamestown.
  • When Benjiman Franklin Was Born

    When Benjiman Franklin Was Born
    Ben Franklin was a founding father and had many abilities. He was the 6th president of Pensylvania. At age 16 he was writing about Silence Dogood.
  • When George Washington Was Born

    When George Washington Was Born
    Geroge Washington was a founding father and the first president. He was born in Virginia.
  • Paul Revere's Birthday

    Paul Revere's Birthday
    Paul Revere was born in Boston. He was a patriot and he fought for freedom.
  • When Thomas Jefferson Was Born

    When Thomas Jefferson Was Born
    Jefferson was a founding father, and the 3rd president. He was born in Shaewell Virginia. He liked reading and he played the violin. He also belived in mans rights.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was the third president.
  • When The Boston Massacure Was

    When The Boston Massacure Was
    The Boston Massacure was on King Street. The way it started was how someone threw a snowball at one of the British soldiers. Five savilions got killed. and 6 got injured. Paul Revere used it to make "The Bloody Massacure".
  • When The Boston Tea Party Happend

    When The Boston Tea Party Happend
    The Boston Teaparty was at Boston Harbor. It was use as a way to inspire People to stand up to people (British). The Patriots were dressed up as indians while they were dumping the tea. The Patriots stood up to the king.
  • When William Howe Left

    When William Howe Left
    William Howe was the comander of the Redcoats for 2 years. He was British and was George Washingtons enimie for a time.
  • Battles of Lexington And Concord. The Battle Of Massachusetts

    Battles of Lexington And Concord. The Battle Of Massachusetts
    The British fought the American Militia. The militia captred the British's supplies. The Patriots could and would fight.
  • When The Battle Of Bunker Hill Started

    When The Battle Of Bunker Hill Started
    The British lost 226 men and 826 men were wounded. The Americans lost half that many. The Americans were proud they could fight well.
  • When William Howe Finished His Journey

    When William Howe Finished His Journey
    EXACT DATE UNKNOWN. William Howe was a rich man
  • When The Siege of Yorktown Started

    When The Siege of Yorktown Started
    The exact date is unkown. The Siege Of Yorktown was the last battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • When The Siege of Yortown Ended

    When The Siege of Yortown Ended
    In 1780 5,500 French Soldiers landed in Rhode Island to assist the Americans in the Revolutionary War.
  • When George Washington Died

    When George Washington Died
    George Washington was the leader in the Revolutionary war.
  • When Revere Died, And More

    When Revere Died, And More
    Paul Revere died at age 83. He was a sliversmith and a dentist. When he was young he was an aprentece to his father. Paul Revere is famous for his midnight ride. Wich is also known as "Paul Revere's Midnight Ride. He is also famouse for "The Bloody Massacure".
  • When Slaves Were Free

    When Slaves Were Free
    Most slaves were born in America. 50% of the slaves were women and girls.
  • When Leif Erickson Was Born

    When Leif Erickson Was Born
    EXACT DATE UNNOWN. Leif Erickson was born in Iceland. He discovered America 500 years before Christopher Columbus.