World War II

  • Raping of Nanking

    During 1937, Nanking, the Chinese capital, surrendered to the Japanese military. Japanese General Matsui ordered the destruction of Nanking and Japanese troops campaigned for mass traumatic events against Chinese civilians. 150,000 male "war prisoners" were butchered, 50,000 male civilians were massacred, and at least 20,000 women of all ages were raped, many were mutilated and killed in the process.
  • Raping of Nanking

    Japanese General Matsui ordered that the city of Nanking would be destroyed. A lot of Nanking was burned and Japanese trooped campaigned the traumatic events of the Chinese civilians. 150,000 male "war prisoners" were butchered, 50,000 male civilians massacred, and at least 20,000 women of all ages were raped, many of which were mutilated and killed in the process.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    "Lightning War". It ended in 1940. Limited military resources and manpower. Used to invade Poland, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, France, and the unsuccessful Soviet Union. (Image)
  • Fall of Paris

    The French government wanted the US to formally declare war, which didn't happen because the US only wanted to provide aid. Germany easily invaded Paris, having 2 million Parisians fled. The Gestapo went to work; investigations, arrests, and spying. Roosevelt froze the assets to the Axis Powers (Germany and its allies).
  • Fall of Paris

    French government wanted the US to formally and publically declare war, whilst the US only wanted to provide aid. 2 million Parisians fled Paris before the German tanks rolled in, making the takeover "easy". The Gestapo got to work; interrogations, arrests, and spying. Roosevelt froze all American assets to the Axis Powers (Germany and Italy).
  • Battle of Britain

    It ended 31 October 1940. The first battle in history fought solely by air. British Air Force v. Luftwaffe (German Air Force). German defied the Treaty of Versaille secretly and trained pilots with help of the Soviet Union.
  • Bataan Death March

    After the US surrender of Bataan in 1942, 75,000 Filipino and American troops were forced to march for 65 miles to prison camps. The march took five days for each group of 100 men to complete. Exact numbers are unknown, but allegedly thousands of troops died due to captor brutality and bayonetting of those too weak to walk. Survivors of the march were brought to POW camps, where many died of starvation, brutality, and disease.
  • Bataan Death March

    US surrendered Bataan Peninsula. About 75,000 Filipino and American troops were forced to march for 65 miles to prison camps. Each group of 100 troops took 5 days to complete. Believed thousands died from captor brutality and bayonetting those too weak to continue. Survivors took train to POW camps, where thousands more died from sickness, starvation, and brutality.
  • Bombing of Dresden

    It ended February 15, 1945. Bombed by the Allies (Great Brit, etc). Located in Germany. By the end, it was in smoldering ruins. An estimated 35,000-135,000 civilians were killed. Claimed that they were disrupting communication lines that would hinder Soviet offensive lines. Unknown number of refugees were in Dresden during attacks, so the actual impact is not fully known.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    an epic military campaign between the US marines and the Imperial Army of Japan. Ended with Japanese surrender in 1949. Nearly 7,000 deaths, and about 25,000 casualties. 750 miles off the Japanese coast. All but 200 or so of 21,000 Japanese forces were killed. Battle itself ended on March 25, 1945.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Epic military campaign between US marines and Japanese Imperial Army. Located 750 miles off the coast of Japan. All but 200 Japanese forces out of 21,000 were killed. About 7,000 marines were killed. 25,000 American casualties, including the 7,000 dead. Ended on March 25, 1945.
  • Tokyo Firebombings

    US warplanes dropped 2,000 firebombs over the course of two days. 16 square miles were on fire. between 80,000-130,000 Japanese civilians were killed during the firestorm.
  • Tokyo Fire Raids

    US warplanes dropped 20,000 incendiary bombs on Tokyo within the next 48 hours. 16 square miles of the capital was on fire. Between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed. Experiment on the effects of firebombing.