Background of World War II
"Coming just two decades after the last great global conflict, the Second World War was the most widespread and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries and resulting in more than 50 million military and civilian deaths (with some estimates as high as 85 million dead). Sparked by Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939, the war would drag on for six deadly years until the final Allied defeat of both Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945." - history.com -
Causes of World War II
World War II began when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany's invasion of Poland. Germans were unhappy with Treaty of Versailles, they didn't afford to pay the money, since they were very poor. They wanted change, and they voted for Adolf Hitler, since he promised change. Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. "Hitler was not a man of his word and in March 1939 invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia." Hitler was a greatt reason for the start of WWII. -
World War II
"World War II formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. In a state of "total war", the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources." -
Sighet Background
"Elie Wiesel was born on 30 September 1928 in Sighet, a town in the Carpathian mountains of northern Transylvania. The family lived in a community of 10,000–20,000 mostly Orthodox Jews. Northern Transylvania had been annexed by Hungary in 1940, and restrictions on Jews were already in place, but the period Wiesel discusses at the beginning of the book, 1941–1943, was a relatively calm one for the Jewish population." -
Night Beginning Part 2
Elie Wiesel remembers one day where all foregin Jews were expelled from Sighet and crammed into cattle cars by the Hungarian police. They were all crying as the train disappeared into the horizon never to be seen again. "It was rumored that they were in Galicia, working and even that they were content with their fate." Elie later desrcibes what happened to them by saying that the deportees had been taken off the train and forced to dig trenches in the woods before being shot. -
Night Beginning
In the beginning of Night, Elie Wiesel desrcibes his background, where he lived, and his family. He also wrote about the poor relationship he had with his father whom he believed did not care about his family as he did strangers. His father would question why he prayed and why he cried while praying. Both son and father did not understand eachother and were almost like strangers living under the same roof. The inhumane treatment of Jews starts immediately in the book as a result of war. -
Night Beginning Part 3
Only one man survived the mass murder and Elie desrcibed him as never being the same when he returned. Elie Wiesel and his family tried to live their lives normally by Elie devoting himself to his studies while his father took care of his business and community. In the Spring of 1944, there were more rumors that the war was ending soon. In less than three days after German army vehicles arrested Elie and his family and took them to the camps. -
Night Middle Part 1
Eliezer and his father are now in the concentration camps, sepatated from the rest of their family. As the memoir continues Eliezer and his father are abused terribly and starved as the war continues along with the inhumane treatment of Jews. -
Night Middle Part 2
Eliezer and his father become even more distant from each other and are not focused on supporting each other like a father and son should. Eliezer is concerned with his own safety and his father relies on Eliezer for everything and does not think of Eliezer's own well being, something that damages their relationshop even more. -
Prisoners Treatment
People in the concentration camps, were treated very badly. Most people died soon from starvation, disease, exhaustian, and brutal treatment. They were often tricked to be gassed, and be killed. They were forced to wear uniforms, and they were forced to do labor unwanted. "Jews were the main targets of Nazi genocide, the victims of the killing centers were overwhelmingly Jewish. In the hundreds of forced-labor and concentration camps not equipped with gassing facilities," (ushmm.org) -
End of the War
As a result of the end of the war, there was a lot of refugees and prisoners let out and they were moving across Europe in order to try to reestablish their lives. The allies had trials, to make the Nazi's be punished for their actions. They created Isreal for Jewish survivors because they had no place to go. "In 1953 the German government paid Jews, for everything they had lost." -
Ellie Wiesel After the War
He taught Hebrew and worked as a professional journalism, he also worrked as a choir master. He wrote French as well, after learning it. For ten years after the war, he didnt want to write anything about the Halocaust because he was extremely affected. But years after, he finally did and expressed all his feelings through writing such as the short novel of Night. -
Night End Part 1
As the book begins to come to a close Elie has almost completely lost faith in God and wonders if there even is a God why isn't he helping him, his father, and the other Jewish prisoners. When Elie loses faith the memoir takes a major turn because Elie has always had strong faith in God and his religion. Losing his faith also effects his already damaged relationship with his father. -
Night End Part 2
Near the end of the memoir Elie's father is killed by an SS officer by being beat in the head and Elie Wiesel is brutally honest about his true feelings when he watched his father be viciously beaten and beg Elie to help him. Elie does not shed any tears from his father's death and even after the camps are relieved and he is free he does not grieve for his father because in the beginning of the novel and Elie desrcibes his father's death as a huge burden being lifted off his shoulders.