German Blitzkrieg
-What Happened: Blitzkrieg was a war stragedy and tactic used by the Germans. Required concentration of offensive weapons along a narrow path. This would penetrate throught the enemy very rapidly and have a good effect.
-The Germans used this successfully against Poland and many more countries. They needed this to survive the war and take control of their terretory that they were fighting for.
-They used it on the Soviets and it pushed them back 600 miles. This tactic was extremely effective -
Fall of Paris
-germans had come into Paris to take control. When the German tanks had come in, already 2 million Parisians had flead the cit. Adolf Hitler planned to take all of Europe so Paris was on the list. The Parisians trapped in their capital were unrescuable. French people from the west were aided by Canadian troops. -
Pearl Harbor
-A little before 8 a.m. hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii. We stiopped supplying Japan with goods because they were slaughtering the chinese and they showed us that they didnt appreciate that so they tried to take out our naval fleet at Pearl Harbor. It killed 2,000 civillians and soldiers and sunk the US Arizona. -
Wannsee Conference
-Mazi officials came together to discuss the details of the "Final Solution" of the "Jewish Question". Many Nazi officials gathered and discussed the "problem" with the Jewish people -
Battle of Stalinguard
- this was the turnong point of the war. one of the bloodiest battles. Germans werent used to the cold weather so they got trapped and surrounded by the Soviets . the germans had to surrender
VJ Day
-The media showing its greatness towards the war being ended and over for good